harry potter fanfiction harry has a feeding tube snape

The shimmering liquid in the bottle was a light purple in color, and as Pomfrey pulled the cork seal from the top, Snape could smell the unmistakable scent of the concoction. Poor Professor. A repost, not orphaned this time so it can live in this collection! Harry continues to break rules in Severus' classroom. Snape raised his hand high above his head and brought it down hard on Harry's bottom. The first male had deep red hair, and dark sky eyes that crackled with the power of the sky. This is Aaron Taylor-Johnson from Nowhere Boy. Snape had the hardest time being a good guy that was perceived as the bad guy, and he suffered one of the most brutal deaths in Harry Potterbecause of it. I didn't believe that it could ever be the premise of a good story that wouldn't be massive cringe-worthy. Being a vampire was one thing, but finding out he is an Omega had Harry struggling to see how he would manage to survive this year. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). He goes and confronts Petunia and discovers Harry locked in a room barely conscious barely alive basically. Then, listen with Harry while Snape tells the story of Harrys arrival at Spinners End as a baby in a box. Snape arrived in a large cell in the dungeons where he was greeted by two other Death Eaters he had never seen before. Zinnia Potter just wants to be free, of the Dursleys, of Privet Drive, and especially of these meddlesome magic-folk that won't leave her be. Most importantly, they find out they are the Riddle Twins. Harry would say it was a normal Tuesday. Louis gets him all dressed up like a bunny and have some Easter fun :). Life had other things in the works. But true love knows many guises. He didnt expect to find something, someone left living for. Dumbledore essentially either makes Snape take Harry in or guilts him into doing it. Roles are opposite or contrary in position, direction, order, or character. I tried to incorporate some of your ideas and suggestions and create a light-hearted story for you. By the narrator! Harry could see that the slime was almost gone. A mentor fic: When Snape discovers Harry is abused by the Dursley's, he is forced to teach Harry for the summer after the tri-wizard tournament. It's weird, not because of what they do, but, because of the way that others think they're doing it wrong. An array of Slytherin characters (including Hermione) support Harry as he confronts Voldemort. "My friend will come in a minute," the boy says. These suspicions were not completely unjustified; their mean behaviors were villainous and led people like Voldemort and Death Eaters to trust them. On top of a crumbling marriage, Bill has to contend with the aftereffects of being mauled by a werewolf. Together with its two sequels, there are 1,600,000 words and almost 200 chapters! They watch out for each other, protect each other, and support each other, because no one else will. In a world with many different classifications, Harry finds out that there's nothing wrong with being a Little. Until, on the first day of school, he finds out that his dad is taking on the role of 'Defence Against the Dark Arts' Professor. Lily's good soul saved Harry's life the day Voldemort attacked at the start of Harry Potter, but it also saved Snape's morality. Unexpectedly, so does Draco Malfoy. How does Hogwarts cope with two basilisks? Some use other means to force the two characters to get over their hatred. Ah, yes how could he forget he was Fate's favorite chew toy? At the conclusion of Harry Potter, Snape does his duty to Lily and keeps Harry alive but kindness is beyond what he had been capable of. During the battle at the department of mysteries, Harry follows Sirius through the veil. Harry potter gets a lil goofy with a timeturner after Voldemort defeat and ends up at Tom Riddles orphanage. He sat satedly on a throne of thick black spikes that glowed with veins of green lining through, radiating an absolute power. With Voldemort hunting him, Harry has to learn to trust Snape, whos suspiciously acting a lot less like a git. As he looked to his left and right, he could see that this particular cell had been set up as some type of retreat for the guards. So when Harry saw an 11-year-old boy desperate for a safe place to call home, he saw himself. Harry Potter And The- so I really am Fate's Bitch? Consequently, she likes to write about almost anything that involves movies, books, songs, artists, games, or any other subject related to human creativity and artwork. Harry has a furry little problem but Dracos scent soothes the savage beastie. Will they eventually find the family they never had? After Professor Snape finds 15-year-old Harry during his first heat, their relationship flourishes as they realise they can relate to one another more than anyone could ever believe. The fic is incomplete but still offers plenty of content to enjoy, with almost 600,000 words and 82 chapters. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. With Voldemorts return not long past, Dumbledore sends Snape to bring Harry to safety. I loved the later addition of Draco Malfoy, who is also running from family problems. Currently, Angel lives in Michigan with her husband, three sons, two cats, and a rambunctious dog. Whoopsie Daisies! Oh well, we know some spells!Oh and Quirrell? Hermione wanted knowledge; she wanted to learn everything there was to learn;But muggleborns were not liked; had next to no knowledge bar the things they were taught; they had nothing but theyre wits and brains to help them, Ron wanted to get out from his familys shadow; be someone who isnt the same as all the other WeasleysBut no prestige or wealth to help him; still stuck in his brothers shadows no matter what he did, because they've done it all, Harry wanted to be admired; to be free; to be noticed, feared, and respected, all at onceBut people already had a notion of what he would be like; that he would be this, that, and the epitome of a hero, He is going to be someone thought to be a myth. No more than the mewing of a kitten. Harry Potter's hatred against Snape made him constantly underestimate him, and he never imagined he was the brilliant Half-Blood Prince that invented spells such as "sectumsempra" and made him succeed in Potions with Slughorn. This fic is still getting updates, but with over 180,000 words, theres plenty to get started with! By creating a third side in the war, he hopes to save Harry from the horcrux inside of him. Sure he just broke his engagement and fled to another country with his kid and two best friends after another scandal in the Daily Prophet. Therefore, it is imaginable that if the wizarding world had social media like Facebook, he would upload a picture with his characteristic grim and serious face, and would have a comment like the one shown in the meme. It had been about a week since Harry Potter saw his Godfather, Sirius Black, killed by his own cousin Bellatrix Lestrange. This features a genderfluid Harry Potter, don't like it, don't read it. Her articles have been published in different Latinamerican music platforms and her poems have also been published in literary magazines. I don't care if it's dark, full of feels, or a hugbox about recovery. A headpiece of kyanite and sapphire sat on his head. Holly Potter is fifteen and filled with too much teenage angst for her own good, cooped up at the Dursleys and starved for information on Dumbledore's orders. He is a little and afraid of what will happen when others find out. Severus Snape was a complex character full of surprises, and Harry Potter fans have turned to memes to express their feelings on the professor. He can't fall back asleep, so Louis helps him. Consequently, Harry Potter and his friends always thought Snape was up to something evil, just like Malfoy. Set after OotP, no slash, fic centered around Sevitus relationship, lots of angst, slow-burn enemies-to-mentor fic :). by PotterAnonymous 391K 13.3K 29 "Well, I did think of Voldemort, but then. Louis still remembers them as if it was just minutes ago that they bumped into each other. If youre a fan of crossovers, this might be the fic for you. She appreciates art in every shape or form (which has led her to argue video games should be officially considered the eighth art) and is naturally curious, creative, and most of all, a fan of good stories. He humiliated him and tormented him for years, and unfortunately, his beloved fell in love with him. Enjoy lots of appearances by the Malfoy family in A Childhood Well Spent. Eventually, they also find the family theyve never known. That is why it is imaginable to see Severus congratulating Lily with the only picture she has of her, even after her death, and scratching Potter's face. An unexpected meeting after Hogwarts leads Blaise to the oddest relationship he's had to date. Luckily for the plot, Sirius knows of Harry's true parentage and decides it'll be better for everyone if Harry just pops over to America to be emancipated so he could then live with his godfather; it's not like this Tony Stark guy will put up much of a fuss right?Right??? A male, a female, and another male. The fic is almost complete, with 29 out of 31 chapters posted. What about him? AU. Harry let out a small groan as the man stood up and started to walk out of the room, quickly closing his eyes, feeling dizzy by the fast pace the man set while walking. It is funny to imagine, however, how his identity-revealing quote would have been said if Keanu Reeves would have interpreted Snape. In 1994, they find out about their lives. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Draco Malfoy comes to Harry's compartment to first offer friendship. (updates Monday, Wednesday, and Friday- tags will be updated as story progresses to avoid spoilers). Snape was assigned to guard the Dursley household and starts to get worried when he never sees harry. With every face a familiar stranger and his real friends out of reach, Harry must now navigate building all of his relationships from scratch all while recovering from the scars that his own war-torn world has left behind. Why was he not consulted about this and why wasn't Dad or Papa listening to him when he said he didn't need a little brother, that he was happy to be an only child? Harry was nervous about this, but he was also very brave, which is good. The real question, however, is: Did he even want to? This one-shot picks up after Harry blows up his Aunt Marge and runs away to the Leaky Cauldron. Whats not to love about a jaded Slytherin trying to raise a trouble-prone Gryffindor? Yet, what could cause the stubborn Potions professor to change his ways? The stakes are high Snape may save lives, or doom them all. She was draped over her throne of brambles and thorns with every blood and poison dipped spine empowering her casual elegance. The combination of timeless themes, If you are looking for the best Kim Possible fanfiction, then this is the post for you. Instead of calling Harry 'amigo', the boa constrictor calls him 'wizard'. Most times those stories go on to ship him with Voldemort for their shared snake like appearance so be warned for those. You can also subscribe without commenting. A year like No other, Your email address will not be published. With his help, and the help of his true friends Harry will live, learn and fight for a better life, fight for his happiness. I just need proof of its existence to keep me going until the next chapter of Mixed Feelings comes out in a few weeks. Harry is more despondent than ever when Vernon keeps his word and keeps Harry from going to Hogwarts. Snape was never afraid to tell Harry Potter how his father was swine and scum. Enjoy six-year-old Harrys Christmas preparations and Snapes attempts to mitigate the damage. There's only one problem: Tom Riddle also attends Hogwarts, and Harry is determined to save lives. RELATED: Please WB, Don't Reboot The Harry Potter Franchise (Yet). A snake hatched beneath a toad from a chicken's egg in the attic of the Leaky Cauldron. Regardless of the impending war and his recent disfigurement at the hands of Greyback. Snapped Chapter 1: The Snap Occurs, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Snapped By: The Feisty Rogue Harry spent his first year hiding his intelligence and playing the role of the Boy Who Lived. A knockoff of pulling a rabbit out of a hat, but it worked. Harry learns that the love and support of family can heal all wounds. His head was adorned with a crowm of obsidian and emerald. Do not be afraid. Venti the bard was not stupid despite appearances, thank you very much. There! The last was especially painful. Where Harry potter was turned into toms age at the time ,4 years old. 50.8K 925 27. Ready for the wonderful life they would have together, hand and hand, a united front. However, years of abuse at the hand of his Muggle father left him desperate to achieve power and domination. harrypotterfanfiction. In the intervening years, things went very differently July 31st was normally a regular day, nothing special about it. dracomalfoy. Are you okay? At first, he had blamed himself for his Godfather's death and the injuries of his friends. Finally, starting at Hogwarts in fifth year, he ends up sorted as a Slytherin. Every time he meant to do something to help others and protect students, he would be mistrusted and even attacked by Hogwart's young wizards. Additional Warnings: Some sexual Age play. No matter what his aunt and uncle said. He was in such a terrible accident. |. Had Snape known that his journey to becoming worthy of Voldemort's Dark Mark would kill the person who had taught him to love, he would never have proceeded. Will Draco be able to save him when Harrys world begins to crumble? He sat satedly on a throne of thick black spikes that glowed with veins of green lining through, radiating an absolute power. Snape adopting Harry is a popular trope in Harry Potter fanfiction. Many of these stories force Snape to form a bond with Harry after rescuing him from the abuses of the Dursleys. Named after the album/song by Allison Ponthier (queer artist, check her out!!) Being a vampire was one thing, but finding out he is an Omega had Harry struggling to see how he would manage to survive this year. How does Severus and Tom become Harry's family with the Malfoy and Poppy helping? So when the time finally came for the Potions Master to meet Lily Evan's son, he was devastated to find that he resembled James Potter so much. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. it was good to read such a concise review, and even that was well-written. This is a Harry PotterxThe Avengers, Soulmate Au! The twenty-seven year old man smiles at the familiar looks of the parlour, but when he sees a boy sitting on the desk his breath hitches. No slash and Harry will never be Snape's biological son. Healer - one that heals or attempts to heal. Yet, if anxious/angsty overthinking isnt your thing, maybe just skip this entire fic. Harry loves his life with Daddy. The young Severus Snape wore the unmistakable sorrow and defiant expression of a hurting child. Feeding Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction "Thank you," Hermione exhaled, collapsing in exhausted relief at Snape's feet. Harry is so often seen as James Potter's son, but he is also Lily Evans'. Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, but they will love each other so damn much at the end, it wasn't supposed to be and I'm very disappointed with myself, Harry didn't deserved what happened to him, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Harry Potter Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, As In No One Asked You To Change Bandages Ginny, Werewolf Affected Bill Weasley More Than Bargained For, Storms, Thorns, and Chaos - Book 1: The Philosopher's Stone, They Are First Years No Relationships Yet, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, When All Else Fails, Darkness Prevails - Book 1: The Philosopher's Stone [Former Version], The Author also really hates Molly Weasley, Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued. Or humanly possible. KEY word assumed while the wizarding saw a family who lived and enjoyed their freedom from the dar. Harry isnt the Boy-Who-Lived, just a lonely orphan who goes to Hogwarts interested in learning Potions and making friends. And in so doing sets about a cascade of events which sees Harry Potter starting Hogwarts with a pet snake. Adventures of Time Travel Harry and Way to Evil Tom! What if instead of meeting Dumbledore at the train station, Harry met Death? Harry Potter: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Snape As A Character. In it, Sirius Blacks appearance disturbs the peace of the new family of two. A young witch had just graduated from Hogwarts and wanted to do something important. Healing: the process of recovery, repair, and restoration. Harry Potter Needs Therapy. Harry Potter had never had a normal life, and it seems that he never will. Louis had decided Little Psychologists needed a better, more efficient way to study why littles act the way they do in specific situations. Especially for Harry and Hermione, during their summer of their 4th year. Before Harry found his place in the wizarding world, his appearance was often described the same way that the young Snape was in Harry Potter. Harry scrubbed his hands over his face, noticing the slight dampness of his eyes as he did so. You just got told! And worse still, his dad still thinks Scorpius is a bad influence on him. His place in their world, gone, ripped from his fingers through injustice. If youre looking for warm fuzzy feelings, look no further than this sweet fic. [A non-magical AU. Give it a chance. Harry Potter was severely abused. Draco has a lovely little kitty called Harry. When Harry has another infraction in Severus's room, Severus decides to take Harry back to the age to learn manners, discipline, and to start again. Everyone gets tested and classified at the age of seventeen, except Harry Potter. He hates stupid things too, like, Draco, for instance. Growing up and becoming adults led most viewers to understand why Snape was so mad and resentful towards life, and nowadays, most fans find him relatable. Harry asks Remus to try something new with him. While Lily had a reasonably happy upbringing, her friend was raised by a witch mother and Muggle father, whom he confessed fought constantly. Snape said nothing before uttering yet another spell. One year later Harry gets released only to find out he has to go back to the Dursley's; which, no thanks- his cell in Azkaban was looking rather comfy, in comparison to that hell hole. Everything else, a giant question mark. Snape'll have his hands full. It's why we come to Ao3 anyway. Hadrian can confidently say that he hates his life, but he may hate Death just a little more. A circlet of amethyst and jadeite adorned her. Harry likes to get into trouble.Draco doesn't like that. She didn't want to be in the Ministry, that was boring, but she did want to make a difference. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". He just couldn't believe they would send yet another letter to his relative's house about his classification.Quickly, before his relatives start asking what's taking so long to get the post, he stuffs the letter in his oversized pants to be dealt with later. It didn't matter that he is nowhere near the hight of a normal 11-year-old(He doesn't get to eat much) or that he wets the bed constantly (He doesn't have access to a toilet 24/7) or that fact that when he gets really scared of upset the urge to suck his fingers is almost . It was 1943 a year later than intended when Harry, now Hadrian Peverell, finally got to Hogwarts and met Tom Marvolo Riddle, the teenage version of the man who had tried so desperately to murder him. In reality, the cheeky personality that Snape chastised Harry for came directly from Lily, but Snape couldn't see this. nonsexual. Harry spends the night at Remus and Sirius's. It was the start of his fifth year at Hogwarts when Dumbledore had pulled him along to a cave in the middle of nowhere, told Harry to drink the Drink of Despair after he failed to finish it, and then just sat on the floor while Harry was dragged to his death. Snape, though, sees Harrys arrest as confirmation of all his prejudices. The worst of circumstances brings them together, but the best of themselves win the day. The female had long brown hair and orange eyes that sang with ancient power. Get ready for Draco overthinking is my therapy Malfoy, Harry not settling for less Potter, nonbinary Hermione, and supportive best friend Ron, with appearances of awkward big brother Bill and other notable Weasleys. Dumbledore instead sends Harry to stay with Professor Snape at Spinners End. Harry cried out and tried to wiggle away, but Snape held fast. The young Severus Snape wore the unmistakable sorrow and defiant expression of a hurting child. Harry is either a baby or possibly a toddler. Everyone always says how much Harry Potter is like his father, James Potter, but it might have been Severus Snape, with whom he had more in common. Will they eventually find the family they never had? Does he heed the call of the wolf or tune the wolf out? With the whole pointy hat thing? Harry Potter & Snape Had A Lot In Common (More Than Harry & James), Harry Potter Movies That Would Be Better Than Fantastic Beasts 4, Please WB, Don't Reboot The Harry Potter Franchise (Yet). But On 5th August 1991, Albus asked one of his professors 'Severus snape' to check on the. +8 more. In which, we follow the Heir of the Hunt into his fourth year, where he is drawn into a tournament he didn't enter, argues with his friends, finds love, returns to a land teeming with death, and embraces the destiny he sees reflected in Fathomless Black Eyes. Unknowingly, his lips curled into a smirk. Draco had dealt with enough death to make peace with his own. I've always disliked the idea of stories emphasising or exagerating the "Harry was horribly abused as a child and is still deeply affected" idea. hogwarts. Radian Potter was the Twin Voldemort liked and sought to make his p. Lucy Evans, radiant of confidence, fiery hair, fiery temper. But Dumbledore decides that a public tavern is not the best place for Harry to hide out for the summer. After the war ends, Harry Potter has become virtually useless. No slash and Harry will never be Snape's biological son. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. For Snape, his friendship with Lily pulled him from the darkness. I swear i need to use flextape to tape that wall shut fr, Harry Potter & Tom Riddle Attend Hogwarts Together, They get a lil goofy with feelings but denying it, harry does your mom jokes on riddle even if riddle mom died, We're Alone Against the World, but at least We're Together, Harry Potter & James Potter & Lily Evans Potter, Evangeline Potter & James Potter & Lily Evans Potter, Evangeline Potter (OC) & Original Character(s). What if the basilisk's venom had mixed with Harry's blood when he got bitten by it in the chamber? Snape was often disgusted at Harry's similarities to his father, James Potter. But is all what it seems? The very thought of you and this situation makes me want to vomit." Then he snarled, low and drawn, "You filthy Mudblood." What does it mean for Harry to be the twin of the boy who lived? Snape was watching the slime travel smoothly down Potter's tube. Then, a curt letter from Snape arrives, promising an uncomfortable rescue. Harry noted how much Snape's appearance differed from James, who had the unmistakable look of a boy who was thoroughly loved and cared for. Im guessing you supposedly are one too then? Harry Potter the boy who lived has died from being overfed. Poor Professor. Sure hes almost certain that he just sold what little of his soul doesnt belong to Death to the principal of UA for a chance at a new life away from Magical England and somehow tripped his way into reached heroics to a group of traumatized teenagers that all look far too much like looking himself in the mirror at seventeen. Her aunt and uncle locked her trunk in the Cupboard Under The Stairs, which had been her bedroom until the Hogwarts letters started to come. After Professor Snape finds 15-year-old Harry during his first heat, their relationship flourishes as they realise they can relate to one another more than anyone could ever believe. So this witch set out to make the world a better place by making people smile. She was draped over her throne of brambles and thorns with every blood and poison dipped spine empowering her casual elegance. It is a gritty and often grim story of Harry growing stronger and taking control of his own life. Unlike their Malfoy relatives, the Potters may not have bought into the pure-blood mania seen in Harry Potter, but they were still wealthy and proud and James had no problem throwing that weight around (just like Draco). Sure hes pretty sure Death is laughing at him as he tries to figure out what being its master even means and how that impacts his ability to actually die. Let's see. Harry Potter reads Harry Potter and the philosophers stone. Will he surrender or will he just embrace it? [Flashing in his visions were three figures. However I discovered Mixed Feelings, a fanfic for the web serial Worm that has totally changed my mind about all this. A mysterious little boy named Harry moves in next door to Draco Malfoy, and he's determined to make him his friend and learn all of his secrets. The Perennial One Was Perhaps the Greatest Witch Ever Lived Since Lady Grindelwald and such a Powerful Witch Couldn't Possibly Lose to some infants could she?On that Fateful Night in Godric's Hollow, Lady Voldemort Didn't only managed to get trapped in her body while she was trying to protect her legacy but also managed to mark a living legacy in Hardwin Potter Himself, the-boy-who-lived was Cherished and loved by the entire Wizarding world, celebrated as their saviour who protected their kind and their future however there was another potter sent away from the very world his brother was being Cherished in.Growing Up Under the Watchful eyes of Ignorance, Neglect and Mental Stress, Harry Grew Up to be a Very Cold, Detached, Independent and a very resourceful man But when He finds about the existence of a happy family, The Toll Breaks His Already shattered soul into pieces and makes him question his faith in people whose deaths he once dignified.Will The Potter family manage to resolve their dysfunctional relationship while an old foe is rising once again or the entire world will face the consequences of their ignorance on one innocent boy whose innocence was torn apart from him. This fic is complete with over 100,000 words and a great introduction to the trope. The war took everything from him. Sometimes not for 6+ months because I'm busy and also unmotivated. Harry Potter and the Classificatio. Harry fought and kicked as Snape did this. How Ginny and Harry Weasley ended up as the worlds cutest Big/little couple ever, and everyone loves them. Harry wakes up in the middle of the night and notices Louis isn't beside him. I be good! Ginny's favorite thing in the world? Follow Harry as he makes his way through a brand new school and how he learns to accept his classification with the help of his Daddy and Papa and big brother Draco to help! However, after a few days of grieving, he realised that it wasn't his fault. Sure, hes still the boy who lived and all, but who cares about his survival when hes nothing to fight for anymore? Harry Potter is twenty-seven, an avid practioner of dark magic and ever-so-slightly mad, as all geniuses are. No question about it. Oh well, we know some spells!Oh and Quirrell? Dumbledore is just about ready to pull his hair out when he sees that the person who broke the blood wards was not Voldemort, as he had feared, but a man wearing James Potter's skin and with Lily Potter's eyes, practicing the foulest of dark magic as easily as he breathed and turning old, yellow sweaters into horcruxes; even worse, he has somehow done all of this while gaining the affection of his precious prophecy child. Kim Possible is an animated action-adventure show about, If you are looking for The 100 fanfiction thats some of the best, you are in the right place. dummy. His everlasting love for Lily Potter drove him to risk his life to protect Harry, and he had one of the most outstanding styles and personalities in Hogwarts.

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harry potter fanfiction harry has a feeding tube snape