king ferdinand of naples death by eels

Active and hardworking, he was respectful of the customs of the nation. In order not to get involved in new disputes, he decided to give the county di Celano to Antonio Piccolomini, nephew of the Pope and his son-in-law with the condition that he recognize the king as supreme lord. Pietro di Guevara, Grand Seneschal, died precisely of this affliction. When winter came, the war in Tuscany ended. 'other, as well as equipped with a large and sturdy parapet with specific openings for the guns. He left Naples on 18 March 1465 with 320 riders and learned while en route on March 30 about the death of his mother. Two funeral prayers were celebrated, one inside the Castel Nuovo in the presence of the militias and the other in the Church of San Domenico Maggiore. He also had as tutor Paris de Puteo who taught him law. With a law of 1466 he allowed farmers to freely dispose of their products, releasing them from the obligation of having to sell the food to the local lord at the price he set. [74] The other paintings represent the siege with the taking of Troy and the surrender of Acquaviva, with the carved verses that say: TROIA DEDIT OUR REQVIEM FINEMQ (VE) LABORI / IN QVA HOSTEM FVDI FORTITER AC POPVLI ";[75] " HOSTEM TROIANIS FERNANDVS VICIT IN ARVIS / SICVT POMPEVM CESAR IN EHACTIS";[76] " HINC TROIAM VERSVS MAGNO CONCVSSA FEAR / CASTRA MOVENT HOSTES NE SVBITO PEREANT";[77] "AQVA DIA FORTEM CEPIT REX FORTIOR VRBEM/ ANDEGAVOS PELLENS VIRIBVS EXIMII". In 1471 Ferrante made alliances with England, with Burgundy and with the Republic of Venice. Thus was born the superb Aragonese castle of Brindisi. Deifobo stating that he too wanted to reconcile with the sovereign moved to meet him to attack him, however Ferrante, seeing the dagger that he was hiding in his hand, drew his sword and faced the two conspirators alone, as the count and Coreglia were held at bay from Montagano. [12][16], Although he had overcome this obstacle, Ferrante still did not feel safe, since he did not yet have Callixtus III on his side, even though he had been his teacher and friend of his father before becoming Pope. Custom Content. In the rapid game of alliances and account-alliances that characterized the era, on 2 November 1474 an alliance pact was signed between the Duke of Milan, Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Florence and Venice. The Duke John was received by the Prince of Rossano and immediately pushed his army to the port of Naples, invading a large part of Terra di Lavoro. In December 1491 Ferrante received a visit from a group of pilgrims returning from the Holy Land. Finding it closed, according to the rite he then called the castellan Arnaldo Sanz, and said to him: "Open", and he replied: "Are you King Don Ferrante thirsty, son of the happy memory of King Don Alfonso?" Due to his excellent knowledge of languages and law, King Ferrante also ordered him to draw up an Italian translation of the articles of the Order of the Golden Fleece (Articuli et ordinatione of the Order of the Golden Fleece). Meanwhile Sixtus had died and his successor, Pope Innocent VIII, after having lifted the excommunication of the Venetians that Sisto had given him, wanted to re-establish the payment of the census in the kingdom of Naples. his daughter Beatrice (1457-1508), Queen of Hungary and Bohemia. On February 17, 1440, King Alfonso, by his own authority, legitimized and declared his son his heir to the throne of Naples and then, in January 1441, he secured the approval of the parliament of the barons of the kingdom that he had summoned in Benevento and which was then transferred to Naples. [34], On 5 December 1479 Lorenzo the Magnificent embarked on Neapolitan ships in Pisa to reach Naples. His mother, Gueraldona Carlino,[11] was probably a woman of Neapolitan origin who in December 1423 had accompanied Alfonso on his return to Spain, where she later married a certain Gaspar Reverdit of Barcelona. Sixtus IV himself understood that Ferrante's ambitious plans would end up bringing him into conflict with the other Italian states. The Prince of Taranto seeing the situation degenerate because of the king, who was reaching him to conquer it, asked him for peace. of Callixtus III made against the King.[12][21]. Still in parliament, Alfonso, worried about the succession, promoted a petition, in which the barons, knowing they were doing the king a great pleasure, proposed to establish Don Ferrante as his future successor, with the title of Duke of Calabria, usually given to the first-born of the king of Naples. These Ambassadors did not encounter much difficulty in propitiating the king, as even though he wanted to conquer Naples, he did not have the necessary military forces. A discord was generated from this claim that stopped when the Pope asked for help from Ferrante to lower the power of the sons of the counts of Anguillara, who sent him troops. In the kingdom the Jews protected by King Ferrante carried out a notable artisanal and commercial activity. Alonso d'Aragona (14601510), designated heir to. [12], On 1 September Ferrante was informed that Foiano had already been taken. Ferrante added another claim: the restitution of Papal lands within the borders of the kingdom, consisting of Terracina in Terra di Lavoro , Civit Ducale and Leonessa in Abruzzo; and this in force of the agreement made in 1443 by Pope Eugene IV with his father King Alfonso V. Ferrante also demanded the restitution of Benevento, which he had granted to his ally Pope Pius, but now demanded its returned. Maria Cecilia, wife of Gian Giordano Orsini, Lord of Bracciano; Lucrezia (according to other sources daughter of Diana Guardato. France and the Duchy of Milan unsuccessfully tried to thwart the alliance, potentially very dangerous for their Mediterranean interests. [2][3][4][5][6], He issued various social laws that in fact undermined the excessive power of the Barons, favoring small artisans and peasants. Et- P. Neap. [13], Although Sicily after the death of Alfonso I passed under the reign of Giovanni, King Ferrante wanted to make use of the title of King of Sicily, in fact in all the pragmatics and edicts read: Ferdinandus Arag. [44], The Duke of Calabria abandoned the war in Tuscany and, having arrived in Naples on 10 September 1480, gathered an army of 80 Galere with some vessels and gave the command to Galeazzo Caracciolo, who arrived with the army in the Strait of Otranto greatly frightened the enemy army. [12][52], He then gathered another army, of which he gave the command to Ferrandino, prince of Capua, his nephew and eldest son of the Duke of Calabria. The historian Ernesto Pontieri comments: "Ferrante, found in the league with Florence a bulwark against the enemy forces of his dynasty, which, as is well known, were the treacherous and riotous baronage inside and foreign suitors outside. Frederick was a prince endowed with rare and incomparable virtues, handsome, with very sweet behavior, moderate and modest, so much so that he was loved by all and of habits opposed to his brother Duke of Calabria. The Panormita was the second secretary of the King and President of the Chamber . Ferrante managed to reach an agreement with the Turkish sultan, who unleashed his army against Venice which, forced to defend itself, was unable to rush to Florence to help. Francesco (December 16, 1461 - October 26, 1486), Duke of Sant'Angelo and Marquis of Bisceglie. Genoa and Savona rebelled and the Swiss entered Lombardy in November 1478, but Milan knew how to defend itself. Ferdinand IV, King of Naples. The move did not have the desired effects: the Aragonese lineage was by now dangerously vacillating and the imminent arrival of the French sovereign pushed many Neapolitan nobles to take sides with the invader, facilitating the future fall of the royals from the throne. [13] He was, as mentioned, a patron of the arts and a lover of letters,[12][65] in fact he wrote a book containing someepistles and very elegant prayers called Militari, which was published in 1486,[13] where his good taste for good letters can be seen. [13] Among the other Neapolitan books that were printed was also the Arcadia of the famous Sannazaro printed by Pietro Summonte, his dear friend. He then moved the Duke of Calabria with a flowery army in favor of Duke Ercole, but his having denied passage to the March of Ancona by the papal men at arms, turned to plague the lands of the Church and besieged by the favor of the Colonna and Savelli the same city of Rome; but Virginio Orsini, Count of Tagliacozzo and Albe, seeing that Rome was in the thick of things, wanting to show himself religious and loving towards the Papal State, left this enterprise in the pay of the Duke of Calabria and courageously set out to defend the city. The citizens made a valiant defense more than the soldiers, but against the powerful and numerous Ottoman army their constancy against the perfidious and cruel Gedik was useless, commander of the expedition against Naples which in the end managed to occupy Otranto in less than two months, where most of the population was massacred. [12][63], Ferrante was very graceful in reasoning, shrewd, modest, patient to suffer things of his contrary genius, ready and grateful in giving an audience, resolute in negotiations and very right simulator. He then rode, accompanied with great magnificence by the baronage and the people towards the seven offices of the Kingdom, then returned to Castel Nuovo. [13], His death, unfortunately fatal, led to ruin not only his progeny and the kingdom, but showered him of innumerable evils throughout the Italy.[12][63]. The bones of the heroic Martyrs of Otranto were then buried by Alfonso with all honors, some of which in the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena in Otranto, later transferred to the Church of Santa Caterina in Formiello, where they are venerated as relics of martyrs. His coming was so effective that he made his enemies wary of attacking him.[12][29]. The death of Mohammed II and the discord that arose between two of his sons, Cem Sultan and Bayezid, each of whom demanded the empire, prompted Ariaden to understand that the help he was waiting for would come very late, so he decided to surrender to Alfonso and, after having after concluding the peace negotiations, he embarked with the troops and set out for Constantinople. Ferrante was solemnly crowned on February 4, 1459, in the Cathedral of Barletta and to thank the Pope, in 1461, he wanted Maria, his natural daughter, to marry Antonio Piccolomini nephew of Pius, giving her as a dowry the Duchy of Amalfi, the county of Celano and the office of Great executioner for her husband. This culture also showed more accessible outside of court, spreading the ' literacy among the nobility and encouraging the growth of a popular literature that finds its best example in the Rookie of Masuccio Salerno.[62]. "[34], However, the daring journey of the Magnificent confirmed the fame that Ferrante enjoyed as Judge of Italy. He was the illegitimate son of Alfonso V of Aragon, who, after establishing himself as king of Naples in 1442, had Ferdinand legitimized and recognized as his heir. His youthful passion for the more mundane aspects of cavalry, tournaments and horseback riding lasted well beyond maturity, helping him to maintain physical strength.[62]. The art for which Ferrante showed real enthusiasm, and in which his tastes were closest to those of Alfonso, was music: he continually sought out singers educated at the Burgundy school; expert organ builders received a warm welcome and in the early seventies Johannes Tinctoris arrived in Naples to complete the array of talents active in the court chapel and to develop the tradition of secular polyphony, so that the Neapolitan city excelled over the whole Italy for most of the century. When he came to power he had to face many problems: Charles, Prince of Viana, incited the Neapolitans to acclaim him king, the barons pushed King John of the Crown of Aragon to conquer the kingdom, and after the latter's refusal they resorted to John of Anjou, son of Ren, who claimed the kingdom of Naples and the Pope demanded moreover that the kingdom be devolved to his Holy See. [69] He also took under his own protection the two orphans of Count Don Diego Cavaniglia, or Troiano and Nicolina, as he had also protected Diego himself, who was very soon orphaned of a father. At the start of the Italian Wars in 1495, Alfonso abdicated in favor of his son, Ferdinand, when a French army led by Charles VIII threatened Naples. Overall, the Neapolitan population increased rapidly and it was necessary to expand the city walls. Ac. Calixtus had notices posted in various places in the kingdom, where it was reported that upon Alfonso's death, the Kingdom of Naples had devolved to the Papal state. His mother was Gueraldona Carlino. [7], Ferrante was forced to prove his worth several times before obtaining the throne of Naples. When he imprisoned Marino Marzano for having betrayed him in the conspiracy of the barons, Ferrante, moved by tenderness towards his family, took care of them himself and particularly of his niece Camilla, who was educated at his court. Ordo. Subsequently, in 1485, Alfonso, son of King Ferrante and then Duke of Calabria, transformed the keep of Ferrante into a castle. The king is represented from the front, on horseback, discussing with his brother-in-law Marino Marzano, duke of Sessa and prince of Rossano, Giacomo Montagano and Deifobo dell'Anguillara, The king, from behind, realizing the real intentions of the three, draws his sword and bravely confronts them, while on the left we can see two knights running to his aid (perhaps Count Giovanni Ventimiglia and Gregorio Coreglia), In the center of the panel there is a melee between knights and infantrymen of the two enemy armies, while from below a column of Aragonese knights and infantry winds, with in the foreground probably Alfonso, Duke of Calabria, climbing a mountain in direction of Troy. "King Ferdinand of Aragon, son of the divine Alfonso and grandson of the divine Ferdinand , rebuilt this castle in a larger and more solid form due to old age, so that it could withstand the impetus of the bullets that is endured with maximum vigor - 1492. Ferdinando II had eleven siblings. It can be said that, in general, almost his entire life was spent in war.[9]. All this, combined with Ferrante's centralist government and Alfonso's cruelty towards the barons, led in 1485 to a second attempt at revolt, in fact, the barons, who had conceived a great hatred towards Alfonso, terrified by these threats, began to think how to get rid of it. The cardinal blessed the new sovereign with a pontifical blessing and proclaimed him King of Naples. He made arrangements with Mohammed II, who was happy to find an ally against Venice. [78][13] Hum. The buffoons were very welcome to him, and he gave them many thanks on a few occasions. [33], Meanwhile, Lorenzo and Ferrante were negotiating in Naples, still in 1480, Mohammed II, followed by a powerful fleet, began to threaten the Kingdom of Naples. The Duke of Melfi, the Count of Avellino, the Count of Buccino, the Lord of Torremaggiore and the Lord of Santobuono all passed into the pay of john. His sepulcher can be seen in the sacristy of the basilica. In 1806 Naples, King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies is frowned upon by the people, especially the comic theatrical Pulcinella, who continually delivers hard sermons, earning a reputation among the Neapolitans. These united barons decided to urge King John of Aragon to come and conquer the kingdom that belonged to him by legitimate succession after the death of his brother Alfonso V; but King John refused. The Aragonese wall of Naples, in fact, was begun under his reign, in June 1484. Ferrante greatly protected the sciences and letters and with great royal generosity he lavished on the men who were lovers of them and granted extensive privileges and aid to poor scholars. Therefore, Ferrante left for Abruzzo, and was lovingly received for the whole kingdom. In the spring of 1464 John of Anjou, having seen himself isolated and defeated, left with two galleys for Provence. During this stay the king begged him, before going to France, to found a convent in Naples, making him choose the place to found it. [34], The peace was granted although the fate of the arms had been favorable to the Aragonese, and happy circumstances, such as the internal unrest in Milan and the neutrality of Venice, authorized us to consider that as the most opportune moment for Naples to attempt the conquest of an effective dominance over Italy, in any case, the alliance with Florence of Lorenzo de' Medici proved to be advantageous for Ferrante, so much so that in 1483 Ferrante appointed Lorenzo the Magnificent Chamber of the Kingdom. Giovanni, seeing that the Catholic king was dissatisfied with that embassy, began to organize a wedding with the help of Queen Joanna, wife of Ferrante and sister of the Catholic King, between Ferrandino, eldest son of the Duke of Calabria, and one of the Ferdinand II's daughters, but the negotiations were not concluded. As the husband of Queen Isabella I of Castile, he was also the king of Castile from 1475 to 1504 (as Ferdinand V).He reigned jointly with Isabella over a dynastically unified Spain; together they are known as the . The end of the rebellion of the barons was followed by twenty years of internal peace which allowed Ferrante to strengthen the state and increase its wealth. A title more than anything else honorific, for the one who more than any other will prove to be a good ally of the king of Naples. In fact, Calixtus aimed to usurp the crown from Ferrante, and grant it to his own nephew, Pedro Luis de Borja, newly installed as Duke of Spoleto. [34], But the equilibrium achieved with great effort soon proved to be very precarious. Indeed, Ferdinand had a novel way of dealing with his enemies. ", Under Ferrante, the very rich royal library founded by Alfonso in Castel Capuano continued to grow at an impressive rate, thanks to purchases, gifts and the confiscation of the collections of the rebel barons. In the meantime Ferrante tried, through tricks and deceptions, to bring the conspiring barons to his side. The Pope then urged Charles VIII to invade the kingdom, however Ferrante with a new treaty averted the threat. When they had to be signed, since the prince of Salerno and many barons resided in Salerno , the prince of Bisignano asked the king to send Don Frederick to Salerno for greater safety.and sign them in his name. On the other hand, the Barons, seeing the dissatisfaction of the Pope, thought of having recourse to him to be supported. Tap into Getty Images' global scale, data-driven insights, and network of more than 340,000 creators to create content exclusively for your brand. He was a lover of hunting, especially the art of falconry. This event was then represented in the first, top left, of the six bas-reliefs impressed on the bronze door after the Arc de Triomphe in Castel Nuovo. Don Ferrante with his virtues left a Kingdom that he had led to greater greatness, perhaps more than any other sovereign who would have governed it, for which many famous writers mentioned him in their famous writings. He was courteous and liberal, for example one day he donated 300 horses to a Genoese friend of his, called Olietto de Tiesso. The duke's two adversaries had already managed to occupy almost all the places in the Polesine and plunder the Ferrara countryside. She was mourned by everyone and her body was taken to the church of San Pietro Martire, where her sepulcher can still be seen today. In the excitement of the battle, the dagger that had fallen from Anguillara's hand was picked up by a soldier of Ferrante and it was discovered that he was poisoned, since, having touched a dog, he instantly fell dead. Not having wanted to obey, the Archbishop of Salerno and the Bishops of Miletus and Teano, who were in Rome, were deprived of their income. He was the son of Alfonso V of Aragon and his mistress, Giraldona Carlino. today Via Medina . Among the conditions of the armistice there was that the prince was expelled from Puglia and the Duke John from all his fiefs. The pacification of the kingdom of Naples had positive effects throughout Italy and the alliance was, as Ernesto Pontieri writes, also beneficial "for the purpose of preserving peace in Italy". [12][59], After so many political events, Ferrante continued to direct the state. Will the poor man ever get any peace and quiet? He entered into trade treaties with Syria, Egypt and Tunisia, which gave a beneficial impetus to the kingdom's trade and maritime traffic. 14601510 ), Queen of Hungary and Bohemia Aragonese castle of Brindisi a novel way dealing! 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king ferdinand of naples death by eels