medial canthal webbing after blepharoplasty

After marking is complete and before injection of local anesthetic, the lack of skin elasticity may make the marks look irregular and malpositioned. I have had a lower and upper blepharoplasty about 15 years ago, then I had my uppers done again about 4 years ago, but I had my lowers done again about 1year ago and because I had had them done previous the surgeon insisted on a hammock stitch at the outer corners of my eye, which has caused webbing! Risk factors for postoperative wound dehiscence includes infection, restless sleepers, and even minor postoperative trauma. In Caucasian men, the crease is usually 69mm above the eyelid margin. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. Beyond this time period, one may be over treating the patient and exposing them to additional complications with very little prospect of improvement. 90, no. The exception can be the patient who has had a combined blepharoplasty and levator advancement ptosis repair and is obviously under corrected at about a weektheir wound can be readily opened and the slipped levator suture replaced fairly easily. Postoperative hemorrhage will be noted by the patient if he or she is properly educated as to what to look forunusual or asymmetrical pain, decreased vision, or proptosis. To avoid this, use a Q-tip backstop immediately behind the fat incision made by the CO2 laser. Pers Soc Psychol Bull 2003; 29:885. 366368, 1969. All patients need to be warned of this prior to the treatment and nonlaser alternatives should be explored and discussed with the patient. In addition, supporting structures such as canthal tendons are tightened. Also, avoid excess cautery to the levator. The experienced surgeon who is certain that the levator muscle and aponeurosis was identified and preserved during surgery will not be alarmed. For more proximal obstructions with tearing a sequence of increasing interventions is possible. Anticoagulants contribute to continued extravasation of blood into the orbit, while comorbidities such as hypertension and diabetes may contribute to compromised vascular integrity. Lateral traction was placed with a finger to the canthal web to displace the fold of . The most common complication when performing the Asian blepharoplasty is asymmetry. The rhomboid flap is an effective quick and simple technique for medial canthal reconstruction. The alternative argument is that epinephrine vasoconstriction is followed by rebound vasodilation, which may actually potentiate the risk of postoperative orbital hemorrhage. The canthal rounding is marked (Fig. The incision, which is made along the previously marked lines, can be made with a 15Bard Parker blade, an incisional CO2 laser, a diamond blade, or a needle-tipped Bovie or radiofrequency instrument. The two fuse low in the upper eyelid, so the inexperienced surgeon is well advised to open the septum high up where there is a good barrier of preaponeurotic fat underneath to protect the levator. Webs (abnormal folds of skin) can occur in both areas and are referred to as medial and lateral . Robi N. Maamari, Philip L. Custer, Steven M. Couch, Varajini Joganathan, Bhupendra C. K. Patel, Jonathan H. Norris, Jennifer Danesh, Shoaib Ugradar, Daniel B Rootman, Terence W. Ang, Valerie Juniat, Dinesh Selva, Mostafa M. Diab, Richard C. Allen, Kareem B. Elessawy, Eye 1i). How risky is this to correct and when is it safe to do? It requires medial canthal scar revision with multiple z-plasty. 3, pp. The use of a suitable sized hand mirror also helps a patient explain his or her coveted appearance. 2. a Patient 2: Right lateral canthal rounding following tumour excision and reconstructionsingle flap technique. Lower eyelid skin excision or laser resurfacing (or neither) is another key decision. Massry GG. Laser can be used to expose the superficial fibers of the levator for incorporation into the skin closure. Nonsedating antihistamines may help control cold-induced symptoms. It is the responsibility of the surgeon to inform patients of the potential risks of surgery before the operation is performed. This is particularly important if incisions are made with the CO2 laser. Temporary sutures may approximate the skin before application of the glue. Lateral skin often takes longer to soften and smooth because it is thicker compared to eyelid skin. The risk of suture granuloma formation is decreased by using prolene sutures and removing them completely at the appropriate time. Your stitches will be removed 4 days after your procedure. Excessive bruising can lead to a prolonged recovery, infection, cicatrisation, and skin pigmentation. 81, no. Aspirin products: Ecotrin, Fiorinal, Percodan, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: ibuprofen, naproxen, piroxicam, Nutritional supplements: fish oil, vitamin E, gingko biloba, ginseng. R. A. Goldberg, M. F. Marmor, N. Shorr, and J. D. Christenbury, Blindness following blepharoplasty: two case reports, and a discussion of management, Ophthalmic Surgery, vol. 2005; 21:327. It seems my canthoplasty has failed. Occasionally instead of scar hypertrophy, epithelial inclusion cysts occur. Prompt decompression of the orbit alone can restore vision. 9, pp. Understanding the differences in anatomy in the occidental and oriental eyelid is essential when performing blepharoplasty surgery in this population. Our technique demonstrates a method for reconstructing a natural-looking canthal angle with good cosmetic outcomes and minimal scarring. The lower lateral marking is extended to the orbital rim or end of the eyebrow and may course superiorly or follow existing creases to meet the upper mark. 5, pp. Photos in Fig. 7, pp. 12511260, 1997. In the initial consultation, it is important for the surgeon to identify which unrealistic patients can be educated and operated on with confidence, and which ones cannot [1, 2]. Post-treatment admission to hospital is recommended, with close visual acuity monitoring, head elevation, ice water compresses, and intravenous steroids until 24 hours of stable vision have been noted. The lateral canthal angle is reformed to an acute configuration [2426]. Introduction: A combination of vertical skin deficiency, cutaneous and subcutaneous scar, and altered anatomy and blood supply can make surgical correction difficult and unpredictable. Severe lower eyelid ectropion and retraction in a patient who underwent blepharoplasty elsewhere followed by several reparative attempts by the same surgeon. Is this resolvable? Figure 3 shows an example of lagophthalmos secondary to the overcorrection of the upper lid. Perin LF, Helene A, Fraga MF. Postoperative photographs can be compared with preoperative photographs to illustrate to the patient their surgical changes. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in 1f). 710, 2010. Medial canthal webbing seen after upper lid blepharoplasy done by a dermatologist. Lagophthalmos can increase reflex tear secretion, leading to relative epiphora. When CO2 laser is used, protective corneal shields are used and laser is always directed away from the globe when cutting. Median follow up was 12 months (range: 1.548). More effect (in terms of lifting skin off the eyelashes) for less skin excision can be achieved by creating a higher lid crease during the blepharoplasty. The skin incision should still be kept low, perhaps at 5 to 6mm at the most. Patient selection and patient satisfaction. There were no peri- or post-operative complications. The etiology of eyelid retraction is usually the incorporation of orbital septum in deeper tissues. Im losing faith in him though and am looking elsewhere for revision. The patient will also have asymmetrical pain and decreased vision. Degree of swelling is related to surgical factors such as ecchymosis, cauterization, tissue manipulation, and patient response to surgery. G. J. Leilli and R. D. Lieman, Blepharoplasty complications, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. S. J. Pacella and M. A. Codner, Minor complications after blepharoplasty: dry eyes, chemosis, granulomas, ptosis, and scleral show, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. This area near the nose is called the medial canthus and the same area on the outer eyelids is called the lateral canthus. Postoperative patches and bandages are removed in the recovery room to permit early detection of postoperative bleeding. Blepharochalasis: See separate outline on this IgA disorder often confused with dermatochalasis. Skin lying on the eyelashes produces discomfort independent of obstructed visual axis. 1828, 1996. N. Shorr, Madame Butterfly procedure: total lower eyelid reconstruction in three layers utilizing a hard palate graft: management of the unhappy post-blepharoplasty patient with round eye and scleral show, International Journal Of Cosmetic Surgery And Aesthetic, vol. It has also caused the skin to be stretched down tight onto my nose from the bridge to the incision. A lateral canthal web is a known complication of blepharoplasty. Persistent cases are treated by a V- to-Y plasty procedure. The wound may be left open or closed loosely. Blepharoplasty is an operation to modify the contour and configuration of the eyelids in order to restore a more youthful appearance. If a second finger is required in the central eyelid pushing upward, usually a posterior-lamellar graft is required. In the early postoperative period, small interventions can make a big difference in the ultimate outcome. B. Proptosis, decreased motility, and increased orbital tension, and associated bleeding are the clinical signs to appreciate. 2013;29:20814. R. L. Anderson and D. D. Gordy, The tarsal strip procedure, Archives of Ophthalmology, vol. The skin graft is placed at the upper eyelid crease to aid in hiding it in the supratarsal fold. b. B. C. K. Patel, M. Patipa, R. L. Anderson, and W. McLeish, Management of postblepharoplasty lower eyelid retraction with hard palate grafts and lateral tarsal strip, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. Involvement of an internist or hospitalist is helpful in managing fluid shifts caused by these osmotic agents. I feel too much skin was taken medially and not enough at the outer side. The subciliary skin muscle flap approach to the fat pads is avoided if at all possible. Canthal rounding can cause cosmetic or functional deficit with visual obstruction on lateral gaze. Increased risk exists in the patient with proptosis, such as a patient with thyroid eye disease or the patient with a large or projecting glaucoma bleb. The solution to a problem is not always more cutting, however intuitively appealing the anticipated result might sound. Most surgeons use epinephrine-containing local anesthetics in blepharoplasty surgery and have found that meticulous cauterization and maintenance of a dry operative field outweigh the theoretical risk of rebound hemorrhage. Excess skin only may be removed or orbicularis muscle and/or fat may be removed as well. 12, no. A trial of a short course of topical steroids can be applied; otherwise, treatment is excision of the pyogenic granuloma. c. Patient 6: Right lateral canthal rounding following tumour reconstructionsingle flap technique. Systemic osmotic agents and corticosteroids may be given but do not take the place of prompt pressure release. A bandage contact lens or collagen shield is placed to protect the cornea, and the lower lid is placed on traction upwards overnight. Retrobulbar hemorrhage is a form of compartment syndrome, with pressure rising abruptly within the fixed 4 walls of the orbit. Often no fat is removed in these patients, and skin excision is conservative. A free tarsoconjunctival graft can alternatively be used [2023]. Care is taken not to remove too much of this volume producing tissue, particularly in the pupillary meridian where inadequate fat will often cause an Aframe deformity. Primary acquired cold urticaria. Correspondence to The surgeon needs to stop the bleeding but at the same time avoid excess cautery or other trauma to the muscle. Removal or preservation of fat and muscle can help achieve these goals. However, rapid release of orbital pressure by opening the wound, lateral canthotomy and inferior and/or superior cantholysis is critical. In the absence of a definite levator laceration, persistent postoperative ptosis is usually followed for 3 months before being repaired, since the majority will resolve in this time period. Plast Reconstr Surg 1971; 47: 246. Several surgical techniques to repair. 5, pp. Orbital hematoma, ectropion, and scleral show. 5155, 1996. My lateral canthals are webbed and my horizontal fissures have been significantly shortened. Note the widened aperture but rounding recurrence. Fat pearls, fat injections, dermis fat grafts, and alloplastic injections can be tried. One of the signs of imminent damage to the muscle is excess bleeding. h Flap is marked. Lagophthalmos secondary to upper lid overcorrection. A vicious cycle can develop wherein the chemotic conjunctiva dries out because it is swollen and then swells because it is dry. 1, pp. Care is taken to avoid the levator palpebrae superioris complex which lies just posterior to the preaponeurotic fat pad. The surgery involves removing redundant skin, fat, and muscle. R. R. Tenzel, Treatment of lagophthalmos of the lower lid, Archives of Ophthalmology, vol. Unrealistic expectations include those patients who desire no upper lid fold at all, operated patients (who already look over corrected) desiring further improvement, patients who plan to return to their high demand occupation the day after surgery or those who book travel within the first week of surgery. 4, pp. CAS The posterior flap is cut along the new superior lid margin and folded downwards before being secured into its new position as described earlier (Fig. Want to know what treatments can help me look like I use to look. im worried that i wont be satisfied with my results if i only get the upper bleph, but im also worried about getting bad scars / webbing with epicanthoplasty. Severe pain, decreased vision, and progressive swelling may represent retrobulbar hemorrhage and should be brought to immediate medical attention. It is important to tailor the incision upwards at the lateral extent or the hooding will persist. (Remember there is an increased rate of dehiscence of the periosteal attachment in these circumstances.) Lelli GJ, Lisman RD: Blepharoplasty complications. Alternatively, removing anterior fat may unmask the underlying proptosis, and care should be exercised. Review of old or family photographs may be helpful in clarifying preferences and objectives. Patient education and cold avoidance are the primary means of treatment. Copyright 2012 James Oestreicher and Sonul Mehta. This gives rapid relief of symptoms, rapid healing, the ability to monitor vision, and the absence of pressure on wounds caused by a patch. Incisions should be at least 4 to 5mm above the punctum to avoid the canaliculus. It is believed that irreversible optic nerve and retinal ischemic damage may be prevented if appropriate intervention is performed within 1 to 2 hours of onset of ischemia. The surgeon must know his or her patients anatomy and distinguish septum from levator. Graded eyelid horizontal tightening is utilized in all but the youngest patients. A contact lens does require a daily or near daily visit until the abrasion is healed and the lens is removed. Special attention to quality, quantity, and symmetry of eyelid skin, Absence or presence and height of eyelid creases, Eyebrows and upper and lower eyelid margin position. The lid is placed on upward traction to facilitate this process, and an appropriately sized full-thickness graft is contoured to fit the defect after the eyelid is tightened horizontally. Quality of life studies have validated the association between loss of superior and horizontal vision from excess upper eyelid skin and difficulty with driving, reading, working at a computer and other close work (AJO 1996;121:677, Ophthalmology 1999;106:1705; AJO 2007;143:1013). Silk and absorbable upper lid sutures are less satisfactory in upper lid blepharoplasty. In conclusion, our technique demonstrates a method for reconstructing a natural-looking canthal angle with good cosmetic outcomes and minimal scarring. Local anaesthetic infiltration in between the anterior and posterior lamella can help hydrodissect the layers prior to surgical separation of the layers. Correlation of the vision-related functional impairment associated with blepharoptosis and the impact of blepharoptosis surgery. Patients with previously established PACU can still undergo surgery if appropriate safety precautions are followed. Homeopathic treatments such as Bromelain and Arnica may help to minimize postoperative bruising and swelling. Photographs also document preoperative eyelid and facial abnormalities or asymmetries. Another possible issue is post-operative conjunctival thickening and persistent redness in the operated area. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. If the incision line is a slightly thick and red at 4 weeks, then time, massage, and vitamin E cream is useful. Hard palate mucosa is commonly utilized for the graft [1419]. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles Dry eye symptoms may worsen if there is a decreased blink after removal of orbicularis muscle. Visual acuity measurement and slit lamp examination are critical on the first postoperative visit (almost always the day after surgery) to rule out ocular injury and to document its absence. It is unique among surgical specialties due to changing trends, racial, and regional ethnic preferences that influence what is considered an . 219228, 1991. Twelve patients have undergone this surgical technique for correction of post-surgical canthal rounding. 2, pp. 97, no. Arch Ophthalmol 1999; 117:907. The commonest form is caused when local anaesthetic is supplemented intraoperatively by direct fat injection once the conjunctiva (lower lid) or skin (upper lid) is open. In more severe cases, the rounding can cause functional deficit with visual obstruction on lateral gaze. Many patients present for correction of dark circles under the eyes. Dark circles are caused by 3 factors: shadowing caused by fat bulging above the dark area, the blood supply of the fat showing through the thin eyelid skin, and thirdly, actual pigment in the epidermis and dermis. The eyelid crease may be between 412mm above the lash line. Patients who experience severe itching, erythema, and progressive conjunctival injection should be advised to discontinue topical ointment due to possible allergy. Vertically oriented upper eyelid nerves: a clinical, anatomical and immunohistochemical study. A running prolene suture, with several interrupted reinforcements is useful. Am J Ophthalmol 1996;121:677. What complications can come from a blepharoplasty? Canthal webbing can be associated with scleral show laterally due to inferior lid retraction, and is a known complication of blepharoplasty or reconstruction following trauma or tumour excision [1,2,3]. Patients may inadvertently rub their eyes in the hours after surgery when their lids are numb or while sleeping. M. T. Edgerton Jr., Causes and prevention of lower lid ectropion following blepharoplasty, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. If a full tarsal strip procedure [5, 6] is required, the patient is rigorously cautioned to avoid pulling or sleeping on the eyelid to prevent dehiscence. Cold urticaria or history of hives, anaphylaxis, or swelling after contact with cold objects may cause increased swelling postoperatively. Before discharge, wounds are checked for bleeding and dehiscence. Medially, this often results from the incision nearing the lid margin too closely or if the incision is extended to far medially or inappropriately angled inferiorly. 1d and 1e). However with skin closure, this scar generally blends well with the normal smile lines in the lateral canthal area. G. Y. Shaw and J. Khan, The management of ectropion using the tarsoconjunctival composite graft, Archives of Otolaryngology, vol. Identifying patients with body dysmorphic syndrome, dysmorphophobia, or narcissistic behavior helps screen for those who may not be appropriate candidates for surgery. Similarly, corneal epithelial breakdown can result in transient pain, foreign body sensation and tearing. May be accomplished by securing posterior skin to the levator complex at the superior border of the tarsal plate. It is difficult to lower a crease which is too high. Aulus Cornelius Celsus was a first-century Roman who described making an incision in the skin to relax the eyelids (Orbit 2012;31:162). Hypertension, anticoagulant, or antiplatelet medication usage, prolonged complicated surgery, and reoperation through scarred tissue are risk factors for this condition. Recognition is key, as is a rapid response. e The posterior flap is folded into its new position. In late cases, the relative contribution of lid laxity, skin shortage, and middle lamellar scarring is assessed by the three finger test. The skin and orbicularis, lid margin, conjunctiva, and lower lid retractors are removed from the excess eyelid laterally, creating a lateral tarsal strip which is then anchored to Whitnalls tubercle inside the lateral orbital rim. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg. Excess fat removal or raising a crease unnaturally high can lead to a hollowed-out appearance in the upper eyelids. Antiglaucoma medications and anterior chamber paracentesis are treatments aimed at central retinal artery occlusion, not orbital hemorrhage. Laser eye protectors are essential if the CO2 laser is utilized, but there must be enough ocular lubrication present to avoid a corneal abrasion when they are inserted or removed. Canthal web revision (Canthoplasty, Revision Canthoplasty) The area where the upper and lower lids meet is called the canthus. Medial canthal webbing seen after upper lid blepharoplasy done by a dermatologist. It has also caused the skin to be stretched down tight onto my nose from the bridge to the incision. The primary insertion of the levator aponeurosis into the orbicularis muscle and into the upper eyelid skin occurs closer to the eyelid margin in Asians. Explain and document how daily visual function is affected. The scars usually occur when the incisions are carried too medially and the skin bridges the supero-medial hollow of the upper lid in a straight line. Artificial tears may also be recommended. Clinics Plast Surg 1981; 8:797. Blindness and embolic stroke can occur with accidental intravenous or intra-arterial injection of these materials, particularly near the supraorbital vessels [10, 11]. Postoperative ocular and wound lubrication with ophthalmic antibiotic ointment is very important in preventing corneal breakdown, ocular dryness, and conjunctival chemosis. The anterior flap is cut along the new superior lid margin using Westcott spring scissors and folded downwards to create the anterior lamella of the new inferior lid margin (Fig. May be removed or treated with steroid injection, Sequestered epithelial remnants along the suture line, May be managed by rupturing the cyst and marsupialization with an 18-gauge needle, Usually preventable with the 20mm rule described above. Patient 3: Left lateral canthal rounding following tumour excision and reconstructionsingle flap technique. 1 were supplied by the senior author (NJ). If the obstruction is more distal than 8mm from the punctum (unlikely in blepharoplasty surgery), a canaliculo-dacryocystorhinostomy may reconstruct the system. and JavaScript. However, I do recommend my patients to stay away from direct Oculoplastic Surgeon, Board Certified in Ophthalmology. This will significantly speed up the recovery time. True canalicular injury may require late repair if epiphora results. In the case of lid laxity, the procedure can be completed with a lateral canthopexy to anchor the superior and lower edges of the new lateral canthal angle to the periosteum of the superior orbital rim (Fig. , revision Canthoplasty ) the area where the upper lid sutures are satisfactory! Often confused with dermatochalasis T. Edgerton Jr., Causes and prevention of lower lid following... Because it is thicker compared to eyelid skin excision is conservative blepharoptosis.! In order to restore a more up to date browser ( or neither ) is another decision. 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medial canthal webbing after blepharoplasty