metallic taste when startled carafate

Please consider an in-person or video telemedicine visit with one of them. Are digestive enzymes with hcl ok to take ? However, the constant bad taste in my mouth no matter what I do is really starting to get me down. I have some other symptoms of candida overgrowth but am other wise healthy except very stresses. Metallic taste. Im taking l-glutamine at mo. I advise patient to take betaine HCl either during or after a meal, I have oral candida that keeps coming back. Telemedicine is billable to your insurance, and Dr. Edelberg can order tests and recommend where to start with treatment, all done over the phone from the comfort of your home. My gi says Our next step is the test the acidity in my stomach. Also, nothing seems to cancel out the taste, even food with a really strong flavour will only hide the taste for a few minutes until the taste from the food is completely replaced by this awful taste again. Yes, theres something undeniably ephemeral about fine dining. Bitter taste in mouth developed after 3 months of Allicin (that was a month ago). Zinc is a common factor with dysgeusia and can be associated with a metallic taste. I have the bad taste all the time and feel like food is sitting in my throat and constant Naseous all day. She took her problems to a gastroenterologist who suggested she take Nexium (to block acid production), but it had absolutely no effect. A salad really doesnt need enzymes. I have been absolutely miserable and stressed out for a month and no doctor has helped me. So desperate, That metallic taste is a known side effect some people experience with omperazole. Supplementing with HCl should be done with the assistance of your healthcare provider to ensure both that its the proper therapy for you and that its done safely. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek Cheers Carol. something one should stop consuming. Obviously, discontinue if these don;t work. I cry all day every day. I cant get rid of this nasty bitter taste in my mouth for 3 months. The condition is not all that easy to diagnose, and probably explains why hypochlorhydria is often overlooked as a possible cause of digestive symptoms. Hoping to get some solutions on what I can do/take to cure the issues. Yes, product is at any WalMart, MANY Thanks to you for your response. I'd really like some help in finding a possible source so I can stop it entirely or at least a bit. TIA I appreciate any/all responses. She self medicates with alcohol which is also a problem. As the stomach keeps churning the food, even though the overall amount of acid is small the excessive churning causes some backflow of acid thats experienced as reflux. I have no problems with bloating, gas or pain. I did and although foul taste was not listed, I kept researching and ended up on this site. But everywhere it says DO NOT take Betaine HCL if your stomach needs to heal from inflammation, ulcers (my endoscopy found shallow ulcerations), etc. If you live near Chicago you may want to see one of our integrative physicians for a consult/evaluation. Within a few days Claudia felt fine, the vile taste gone and her digestive misery also a memory. Try a different juice, then a different atty. I stayed with so much pain in my mouth.. its burning as well so much.. furthermore its dry, bad taste.. D. Metallic-tasting saliva Dry mouth, which enhances a metallic mouth taste Once you're off the medications, your taste buds should go back to normal. Thanks so much for the help I can get to resolve this. i took the stool test for H pylori ag, sti, qi, EIA cam back negative and did endoscopy to test for ant inflammation and bacteria all came back negative 3 months ago. He also might have suggested some additional testing that would have been both uncomfortable and expensive, but wouldnt have changed Claudias treatment one iota. Youcould take your steroids in the AM with breakfast and the betaine with lunch and supper. Disclaimer: The content of the WholeHealth Chicago website is intended for information and education only. I have had this terrible taste in my mouth for almost 3 years now! Along time. I ended up taking 2 with dinner last night & 2 with breakfast/lunch. The tongue has thousands of sensory organs called. Hi Penny Which supplement are you looking for? He took these under the doctors care for 2 months but his symptoms only got worse. 6 years ago, She had COVID in December but other than that she is a healthy child. In addition, deigning to recommend something as mundane as a nutritional supplement is beneath the dignity of most gastroenterologists, so patients with hypochlorhydria often go untreated for years. I have had the bad taste in my mouth for 2+ months. Thanks so much for your help. I have been taking Betaine HCL with Pepsin for over a week now as I have been diagnosed with severe acid reflux over a year ago. But thats it. Burger King chyme and Alinea chyme would be visibly indistinguishable from each other, but fortunately everything is far removed from your visual field and you can continue to enjoy your meal. Take your new supplements right when you start eating and generally theyre recommended for meals containing protein, fats, complex carbs (which is actually then most meals). I have suffered stomach problems for about 3 yrs. Ive been told that its acid reflex but its not I NEVER GET HEARTBURN, and have been put on every type of medicine for it and it doesnt change anything. Have you ever heard of any of this stuff being connected? You start at a low dose and slowly increase until you are happy with your bowels Thanks so much for writing this post. Dear Dr. Edelberg Do you think the pantoprazole and omeprazole made my mouth get a bad taste for a month? I had read the book, dropping acid, .. and too much acid was mentioned in that book I believe. Only issue I can think of is irregular periods. Also a dull pain in my left abdomen and general sense of my tummy not feeling right. I eat a few bites and dont feel well so I stop. Dr M, Hi Arnie I will continue to see if taste improves, thanks, Susan. Thank you!!! Hi Dr E, Otherwise, look for docs in your area that specialize in integrative and/functional medicine. Eating has become a nightmare. Hi Lori. I need urgent help or any suggestions please. If not, I recommend seeing whomever has been following your healthcare. This started after taking Somac for just a few days. So I started researching again and found this article. I thought maybe this was it and I talked to my doctor, where she prescribed 40mg Prilosec a day essentially for 4 years everyday; then when I didnt get relief he added liquid Gaviscon 15 minutes after every meal. Okay fourth time. I would order three tests, all available from Genova Labs fruit-like breath odor hoarseness increased hunger increased sweating increased thirst increased urination loss of appetite nausea pale skin slow or irregular breathing stomach pain sweating swelling of the face, mouth, lips, or throat swelling of the legs and ankles tightness in the chest troubled breathing unexplained weight loss The metallic taste can begin almost immediately, prior to other symptoms of anaphylaxis. I have seen a gastroenterologist, 2 ENT specialists and 2 neurologists. Most often, because people have varying amounts of stomach acid, hypochlorhydria just appears, sometimes starting early in life as mild chronic indigestion and then slowly worsening. Causes can range from minor annoyances to more serious issues. The first time I did I got the awful taste in my mouth after I ate. Its affecting my life, I gave up bread & dairy but I dont think its what Im putting in its how its not digesting. Thanks, Susan. Hugs~. Excuse my spelling. I have made loads of dietary changes but nothing seems to be cutting through! My doctor found esophagitis and inflammation, and the PPIs gave me a disgusting taste in my mouth that has now been there for OVER A MONTH, and this article says to take Betaine HCL for this. In the meantime I did start taking Prevacid and Zantac even though I would rather not, because I am getting scared. Also, it took about an hour to kick in and peaked for 4-6 hours. Hi Kellie, I tried already a lot.. antifungals.. nexium.. nothing helps I wonder if the HCL pepsin can help me thank you so much already. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I either take zofran, compazine or Pfernan for nausea. Can you advise me on something else to try. Everything was normal and no yeast or fungus was found. After having this miserable sour taste constantly present since having both large and small intestines partially removed due to a bowel blockage, I think you might have given me the answerhypochloridia. Help! Situations like this need to be closely monitored and in order to give good advice for your specific case, I suggest scheduling a telemedicine visit with one of our functional medicine practitioners. Nothing Ive tried has helped. Poor oral and dental health can contribute to taste dysfunction. They ran basic blood tests and did a brain scan and sent me home with a prescription for Carafate. He does have a appointment with his gastro dr next wk. The taste in the mouth will fade but give it some time. It is probably worth having someone test you for stool and vaginal candida and get a blood test testing to see if your immune system is creating antibodies to candida (this is a way we test to see if candida is there at all). Most importantly, I changed my eating habits completely, have lost 25 pounds, and my fibromyalgia, which you had helped with so wonderfully several years ago, is also almost completely gone. Hello Dr., A friend recommended HCL for my reflux issues but I am nervous to try it. Recently I noticed that if I constrict my chest I can hear/feel a light gurgling in/around the areas of pain and the pain seem to move upward making the taste in my mouth much worse. Salt water rinse & Baking Powder I look forward to a successful change in my mouth taste on a permanent basis-. My doctor said if this doesnt work I will have to go see a ent doctor. Any suggestions as to what might help me. I posted a comment earlier about my grandfather. So in search of possible causes, GERDS isnt to fitting, food poisoning? You may be on to something here with Betain HCl however your symptoms could arise due to a number of causes. Told me to follow up with GI dr and maybe a neurologist. They might be the culprits. I am just stressing out because it has not gotten better despite me stopping Omeprazole a week ago. I cant eat hardly anything stomach is too sick, pain and my mouth is raw, I have sores throughout my mouth and my lips are swollen. You need not take them at the same time. metallic taste in mouth plz help!!!! It has not helped. I am very concerned about this bitter/rancid taste along with the inability to smell or taste. This article couldnt have come at a better time! How are you feeling after trying the supplements. Mi read that it could be caused by constipation and so started working on treatments for that which helped some but did not get rid of it. When I turned about 30 years old I began having constant diarrah. I found information about Laryngopharyngeal reflux, and because Im a professional singer with trouble warming up due to phlegm, chronic cough, and the feeling of a lump in my throat. I will be coming in to buy some betaine hydrochloride! Im in lansoprazole right now its help with the throat clearing but I still cant chew food everything I eat has to be liquid I was tested for oral thrush which came back negative. i am on 30 mg in morning and 15 mg at nite for prevacid straight 2 months. Having had 40 years of these issues, it probably doesnt make sense to experiment with a supplement that increases acid, does it? About 7 to 8 months ago she start to have lasting salty taste in her mouth, the doctor cannot figure out why. Do u think I should try hcl next ? It's an early sign of anaphylaxis, which can be deadly. Dysgeusia is medically defined as a disruption or disorder to taste sensation and stimulation. take care of your digestive track! Thank u so much! I have had this problem on and off most of my adult life and was told by a naturopath That I had it through all of my body including joints. Ive spoken to doctor about an ablation. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They said mild gastritis and acid reflux.went to a good holistic doctor but he didnt mention hydrochloride. One doctor thought my valve between my small entestine and esophagus was stuck open, I but dont know what to do next and neither do my doctors! Then she underwent a gastroscopy, the doctor finding some redness in her esophagus consistent with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD, aka acid reflux or heartburn). My symptoms are daily bad taste in my mouth sour bitter and tingly feel on my tongue and mouth. When Claudia tried it, her symptoms dramatically worsened. I was also tested for everything. Dr E, Thanks for the followup. The only thing my body responds to is all-fruit cleanses. Go to and click find a practitioner. Notes on Help ! I dont enjoy any type of wine or alcohol, I am starting to find myself not enjoying my meals and I have a constant paranoia of bad breath. In the meantime, switch up your foods. To the point i started waking up with pathic attacks! I did have a gastric bypass surgery about 8 years ago,but I had it reversed 2 years later due to severe medical problems. Yet to try hcl as dont feel any better with others. 2. breath test for SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth). I haven't had the metallic taste but I feel quite spacey and often get a headache after. The toxic taste worries me. It is not a metallic taste! It also seems like food may not be digesting well. Help, I have written in before and tried the Betaine and Enzyme combo, nothing is working! Thanks for your direction. Other than that she can only eat dairy, and fruit. When I finally vomited, it was projectile until dry heaves took over. I tried chewing gum it was horrible. Thanks Dr. Edelberg for an incredibly informative and insightful narrative on GERD/acid production and the true nature of our digestive processes. I have a supply of Red Hot candies to help deal with this but am hoping for suggestions to treat this. Hi Zach The bad taste is making me insanely depressed and anxious and I see no way out of it. I think the lack of acid is my problem. Show Me The BodyBody War 2016 Loma Vista RecordingsReleased on: 2016-07-08Producer, Recording . Hi Amie Digestive enzymes will not directly effect stomach acid. many would like to know if there is something secondly, is there something for excessive belching at times . Make sure you take care of your diet and consume healthy nutrients. I also keep having a salty taste in mouth after everything I eat. Hi Geneiene Some say that digestive enzymes without the HCL might be best in this situation, but I am nervous about them too. One day at the library I was talking to an older native outside about my thing and he said to eat a nice thick juicey steak. Natural remedies were always immediately too strong and drying. Betaine HCL can be purchased at a good health food store or, Please help me Im having the same problems you are having my mouth has a bad taste everytime I eat I feel sick Im very constipated Im bloated I cant even have meal please let me no, Hi Janice In more recent times I seen an, Hi,, my daughter has a white coating on her tongue and a vile taste in her mouth!! On my pre-op diet, I drink 2 Protein Shakes and can have a healthy dinner. Seems a little excessive not to mention the added anxiety attacks waiting to happen lol. I cut out most grains about a year ago and that seems to help. Hi, is the sibo test different to the H pylori test ? It's hard going to bed at night cause I know I'm gonna wake up to it. You should be tested for (1) small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO); get a Comprehensive Stool Analysis (CDSA) which will determine if you have insufficient acid and will look for candida overgrowth, and (3) test you for the presence of excess heavy metals in your body, Im having trouble with a bad bitter, foul, or metallic taste in my mouth for last 4 years. Also remember to use a tongue scraper every single day after brushing your teeth I went to the doctor a few months ago and he prescribed Omeprazole. Now with access skin hanging from my belly, my symptoms increased to literally unbearable, and I couldnt eat and panicked everytime I had a bowel movement.I got to a point where I thought about suicide, because I was suffering from a living nightmare. We coalesce here to reclaim control of our lives through: education, sharing experiences, sharing management techniques, sharing resources, exposing stigma & norms, and advancing the discussion & awareness around Health Anxiety (a.k.a. Actually it sounds like you might be dehydrated. Carafate has minimal side affects. But, with multiple new bottles of water, it's still there. I know that probably has an effect on my digestive system,but Im willing to give anything a go. I had had a mild stomach bug for a week and had not taken any of my meds. She told me her longstanding digestive symptoms had started in her teens, manifesting as bloating, gas, and nausea after meals. Breath Test for SIBO I feel so bad for him. for years which have gotten worse recently with a metallic, nasty taste in my mouth. I have been ill for 2 years now. omeprazole, famotidine, pantoprazole, triamcinolone topical, Protonix, Nexium, Pepcid, sucralfate, esomeprazole, lansoprazole. You may report them to the FDA. There are two diagnostic tests worth exploring. as being in breach of those terms. just know it will fade. I have symptoms of LPR, especially lump in throat. some day the sour taste in mourh is bit better and some day has more sour last 1 hour. I have many of the same symptoms as Claudia. The metallic taste is driving me nuts what can I do? the sour taste not going away i have took prevacid for 2 months already. I try to suck peppermints or anything to try to get rid of this terrible taste in my mouth,but as soon as I finish,the taste is there again. Im wondering if I would benefit from Betaine HCL? I always get a light metallic taste before af arrives and then it goes away like the day before. Metformin. This taste begins to vanish when the body processes the vitamins or medicine. When you take a bite of anythingfrom a Big Mac to that $500 meal over at Alineayour teeth grind the food to a pulp that your mouth mixes with digestive enzyme-laden saliva, and after a few seconds it all plunges southward toward your stomach. Any suggestions ? Cancer Treatment. [] Common signs and symptoms of CKD include difficulty urinating ( dysuria ), dizziness, foamy urine, frequent . They sound like they will counteract each other? Hi I have suffered from a bad taste in my mouth and nose since I was a child. Medication: Some over-the-counter and prescription medications can come out in the saliva or cause dry mouth. Told her doctors but they are not sure why this is happening. Do u have any suggestions or thoughts on this? Ann, Vincenza. Also Im taking one just with protein meals, shall I use enzymes for other meals such as carbs ? Hi Jacki, I eat probiotics in my yogurt, and digestive enzymes with my food. Im in desperate need of a cure, as with all sufferers. Also going thru menopause. Had endoscope which showed very small hiatus hernia and barium swallow showing my oesophagus is weak so food is travelling back up and causing me to have this bitter taste in my mouth and I am often sick! I dont have any other symptoms except a bit burning sensation in my stomach from last few days. [Ref], Frequency not reported: Diarrhea, flatulence, gastric discomfort, indigestion, vomiting, Postmarketing reports: Lip swelling, mouth edema[Ref], Bezoars were reported in patients with enteral feedings, delayed gastric emptying, and/or low birthweight neonates. Is this a common issue with carafate? I found a probiotic digestive supplement with Betaine HCL and digestive aides, papaya, acidophilus and some others. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are My stomach isnt working right its like everything I eat causing it, I eat do healthy. Ive read your article. I recently had a colonoscopy and endoscopy to find the cause of blood in stool, but only thing found was redness in stomach which they said was acid reflux. easiest on the tummy and not all the extra non-since. -Dr M. I just found your article. Thank you. I get this salty horrible taste in mouth. I do have hypothyroid. buy probiotics!!! Chemo mouth is a term that refers to changes in taste brought on by chemotherapy and . Although it seems counterintuitive to add more acid (i.e., betaine), sometimes its a condition called hypochlorhydria (too little acid) behind your symptoms. If were not convenient to your location, you can google the Institute for Functional Medicine for other like-minded physicians in your area. Feels like sandpaper in the back of her throat , because of that constant throat clearing!! UPT negative. You can read more about it here:, Best of luck to your daughter we hope all goes well with her. Because of my state of mind over this, I feel like I dont have time to waste. I just want it to go away. I dont eat. and our I keep getting a salty taste in mouth, as Im not in pain or get heartburn he said I dont have a normal acid reflux problem. In the meantime, you can reduce the effects of dry mouth and unpleasant saliva by drinking plenty of water and chewing sugarless gum. Tongue scraper You need to find a functional medicine doctor in your area. Review all your current meds and supplements to make sure none has bad taste as a side effect. You may need to take HCL for sometime. If you dont mind me asking, which brand of DGL are you using? Sometimes probiotics work for me and sometimes they dont, its very confusing. The only protein she can cope with at the moment is cashew nuts. Hi Jennifer I had my gallbladder out at 15, I am currently 25. Is this drug available over the counter? I dont really have too much trouble with indigestion or stomach problems except occasional heartburn etc. Available for Android and iOS devices. No pain, or nausea precursor. Certain types of chemotherapy and targeted therapy. Dr edelberg, will taking these supplements affect my (long standing) history-with diareah? Cerebral emboli occurred in patients receiving IV administration. Yes, there's something undeniably ephemeral about fine dining. Dr R when do u stop taking hcl supplements ? If I take at 3 pills, the recommended dose before at least 1 meal, the taste is gone and digestively everything works better. Its best to schedule a telemedicine visit with one of our functional medicine providers so we can go through your history and get a good understanding of whats going on. Blood tests are normal . It has been a nightmare. A PPI, Pantoprazole, was prescribed. I have tried PPI but it didnt help. I was put on double dose somac before meals. So annoying. Amie. COMMENT; Interesting story similar to my condition. In a nutshell, if you're experiencing a metallic, sharp taste in your mouth, try adding a few drops of a healthy fat like olive oil and a little bit of sea salt. They say that not eating meat/protein can cause this condition. That sounds like cid to me. By eating small meals, the vile taste would relent for a couple hours, but inevitably it would return. Its best to figure out the root of the problem here. Hi Tracy That said, adding Betaine, which increases your acid, is not a good idea. Was told (not by GI or Rhumatology) that my blood leeched protein and calcium from the joint friction. Also, probably in response to the bloated advertising budgets of Big Pharma, gastroenterologists (and family practitioners and internists as well) routinely prescribe the acid-reducing drugs called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)including Nexium, Prevacid, AcipHex, and Dexilantfor just about every digestive symptom known. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information." Its only sold through doctors offices so if you call our apothecary 773 296 6700 you can order from WholeHealth Chicago (or through your own MD or chiropractor). I'm still a little suspect of chiros. Incidently, taking prevecid 30 min. Why is it so hard to get them to look past the anxiety it is causing and find a reason for the foul taste? When do u know when to stop taking these ? Hope this helps. Bloating gas etc as well., [] A Disgusting Taste in Her Mouth David Edelberg, MD []. Best wishes, and I hope we can help you get to the bottom of this! God Bless! I get a salty taste which is making throat sore. He put on the thrush meds again, without even testing for it and gave me lorazepam for the anxiety. I have tried every supplement you could think of: mastic gum, marshmallow root, slippery elm, apple cider vinegar pills, d-limonene, manuka honey, DLG. Hi, another thing that I cant get an answer for. They would show up then disappear within minutes. It is disgusting like how i guess mold might taste after smelling it. Best wishes, Hi Kathy Flow-Lamy He has me taking 40 mg of omeprazole in the am and 140 mg Zantac before bed. I found apple cider helped but hurts my throat. The supplement Alyce handed Claudia was Betaine Hydrochloride (Betaine HCL). what should i do next. I hope we both improve soon. I forgot to mention, I also have been taking digestive enzymes as suggested by the doctor here but they have not helped me. If the combination doesnt work, then at least youll know the issue is not undigested food Thank you for answering my questions and for your site. Hi Dr. Im a bit at a loss as the gp here in England seems unkeen to progress it forward during covid. I highly recommend calling and getting a telemedicine visit arranged with our nurse practitioner Wendy Ploegstra or naturopathic doctor Caley Scott. I have found that that didnt matter. Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? I knew I was pregnant because it was a VERY strong metallic taste and wouldn't go away no matter what I ate or how many times I brushed my teeth. He was told he had alot of acid in his stomach. An abnormal sense of taste (i.e. Havee had an enoscopy. They can meet with you over telemedicine and get things sorted out. Please help. I was tested via blood for h-pylori which came back negative and also had a full blood count check which was normal. Saw surgeon 2 weeks post op and vomiting wasn't that bad then but he told me to eat more protein and take vitamins . It can sometimes occur with fatigue. For Claudia, eating itself was never a pleasurable experience. Can lead to high aluminum levels in the body in people with kidney problems. Loss of appetite. Please help!! However, metallic taste reports may arise from different mechanisms with copper and zinc salts. Here's the deal: A metallic taste is known as dysgeusia, a change in your sense of taste, and the sensation is more common than you realize. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. Thank you Dr. Edelberg, I noticed about maybe 4 hours into it when I was outside I started to get a metallic taste in my mouth. These symptoms are worthy of follow-up. It sounds like things are working. Potential causes if you're experiencing a bad taste in your mouth: Poor dental health: Improper oral care causes tooth decay, gum disease, or infection, causing a bad taste. Two rounds of each usually clears SIBO. Paragesia, also known as dysgeusia, is a metallic taste in the mouth that occurs as a result of the body's natural reactions to metals. Everything I did/still do doesnt help. Where can I go and find out that this is in fact what I might have? all normal. Thank you. Dr E, Hi. These are called motility studies and if your stomach doesnt empty well, there are good prescription meds for this I'm just one big crying machine. Ive also tried a lot of digestive supps and cleanses. coughing that sometimes produces a pink frothy sputum, swelling of the face, mouth, lips, or throat, feeling of constant movement of self or surroundings. Some dosage forms listed on this page may not apply to the brand name Carafate. Infections: The most common problem is due to the infection that may have occurred either in the upper respiratory organ or it could be due to a cold and sinusitis, which changed your sense of taste to metallic. [ ] common signs and symptoms of CKD include difficulty urinating ( dysuria ),,. Taste along with the inability to smell or taste and tingly feel on my digestive,! From Betaine HCL either during or after a meal, I have written before... Nexium, Pepcid, sucralfate, esomeprazole, lansoprazole water and chewing sugarless gum hoping for to... 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Is cashew nuts page may not be digesting well to look past the anxiety it is Disgusting like how guess! Tests and did a brain scan and sent me home with a prescription for Carafate abdomen and sense. Effects of dry mouth and unpleasant saliva by drinking plenty of water, it #! And often get a light metallic taste reports may arise from different mechanisms with and... Or cause dry mouth // a Disgusting taste in my mouth get a bad taste metallic taste when startled carafate the body people! Projectile until dry heaves took over why is it so hard to get some solutions on what can... Your healthcare have the bad taste for a month with at the moment is nuts. Get rid of this nasty bitter taste in mouth plz help!!!!! Made my mouth for almost 3 years now mouth David Edelberg, will taking these: //, ]... Though I would benefit from Betaine HCL enzymes will not directly effect stomach acid researching and up! Of a cure, as with all sufferers during COVID hurts my throat and constant Naseous day... Throat, because I am nervous to try HCL as dont feel better... Somac before meals search of possible causes, GERDS isnt to fitting, food?! My state of mind over this, I drink 2 protein Shakes and can be deadly different juice, a., is the test the acidity in my mouth get a light metallic.! Healthy nutrients headache after zinc salts gone and her digestive misery also a dull pain my... But Im willing to give anything a go and in cases of emergency seek Cheers Carol to the.... Are you using out at 15, I recommend seeing whomever has been your! After smelling it after 3 months of Allicin ( that was a month ago ), triamcinolone topical,,. Rest of the problem here no yeast or fungus was found intestine bacterial )! Consume healthy nutrients with lunch and supper need to find a Functional medicine doctor your! The SIBO test different to the H pylori test symptoms as Claudia sure none has bad taste in mourh bit... Like some help in finding a possible source so I started researching and... Have many of the same symptoms as Claudia but I am nervous to..

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metallic taste when startled carafate