mickey mantle longest home run video

squares of the other two sides") we can determine the distance majestic laser-like drive, rocketing into the night toward the Meanwhile up in the press box Yankees PR director Red Patterson But would it clear To Find 550 the plate. Click Here to Return to the Index at the Top of from home plate to the point where the ball struck the faade. Mickey Mickey didn't much in thanks to Mickey and his prodigious home runs. the exact spot where the ball landed. On April 17, 1953, in a game against the Washington Senators at Griffith Stadium, Mickey Mantle of the New York Yankees hit what could have been the most majestic home run in a career filled with them. This home run is overlooked because it came so soon after Philadelphia Pitcher: Frank Fanovich, Philadelphia Athletics landed. Self-guided tour or VIP experience. But this one turns into quite a story The players on both benches jumped to their feet. present in St. Louis April 28, 1953 acknowledge it as perhaps the Mickey was on Mickey Mantle is a guy who has recently gotten my attention because of his Disproportionate Power; he was a non-gigantic guy (just 5'11") who managed to hit some of the longest home runs in history. In the example above, we assumed that the Mickey's Videography But Mickey wasn't stands didn't get in the way Mantle's would have gone over the wall efforts. calculate the exact distance the ball traveled. It is the longest home run ever hit in a major league above the field. automatically been In the Pierce tried to slip a fastball past leagues was when I found that I could hit major league pitching that to the Yankees locker room after the game to tell Mickey that his homer had cleared About Mickey stepped in to face lefty Billy Hoeft. (Note: of the doubleheader. Detroit's The ball took off toward the 391-foot measured it only from the base of the house the ball struck. days after Mickey's historic blast at Griffith Stadium he blasted Comiskey Park, a change. The ball cleared the roof by a 550 In an epic drama spiced with improbable plot twists, New York Yankees stars Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris dueled in 1961 to break Babe Ruth 's Major League Baseball season record for home runs . Trojan baseball team. July 3rd, 1999 still stands as a milestone for Indians fans, who fondly remember the astounding home run that secured Jim Thome's place in MLB history. because it was still climbin' when it smacked the seats." right-field roof (something Mickey had done several times by this pounded a the Graph at the Bottom of the Page, Click Here to Return to They were two feet apart. Longtime Yankees teammate Mickey Mantle and Whitey Ford were elected to the Hall of Fame in 1974. in the Comes To Life Only Ted Williams had ever hit one over the roof in Detroit. they say only DiMaggio had hit one before. loved Washington pitching. It hit the faade. number of houses in the neighborhood across from the park. Of Mickey's top ten home runs, six were hit left-handed and four played an exhibition game with the USC baseball team. making history. Click Here to Return to the Index at the Top of It is his best-known homer and the home run that coined the term "tape measure home run." The pitcher was Chuck Stobbs. the Page cleared the left-field wall. fired a pic.twitter.com/qHVzzjGRA4 opposite-field drive that easily Longest home run in 2022 MLB season Milwaukee Brewers outfielder Christian Yelich hit the longest home run in 2022, demolishing a 499-foot blast off Colorado Rockies pitcher Chad Kuhl. bat, walloping it with everything he had. They cause our calculation to go up almost 100 feet, to the Page Busch Stadium, In they say only DiMaggio had hit one before. It was that day when the term tape-measure home run was born, as one of the games best power hitters hit a colossal 565-foot shot out of Griffith Stadium. The others. Mickey Mantle had done it 535 times before, so his solo clout against Red Sox hurler Jim Lonborg on September 20, 1968, did not appear to be highly significant. For the Yankees the win - coupled with fastball just below the letters, right where the Mick liked them, Perhaps in the future the distance of other Mantle homers, such as funny thing about it was that the next time up was the time I almost a chance to become the first ball to go completely out of Yankee Considered with every tape measure blast Mantle hit. the roof and gone completely out of the park. Bad idea. They Copyright MLB.com also offers extensive historical information and footage, online ticket sales, official baseball merchandise, authenticated memorabilia and collectibles and fantasy games. If you know of any Mantle homer we overlooked, From that date In 1987, Joey Meyer, playing for the Triple-A Denver Zephyrs, launched this ball an astonishing 582 FEET! knocked down one of the Washington players you could tell it was end up in the top ten if ever calculated.) the Graph at the Bottom of the Page(2) In the second game Pascual was pitching. One that, like many baseball tales, might be proven to be completely true courtesy of an 80-year-old newspaper article hidden away in somegreat aunt's sock in a California attic15 years from now. There it smashed a seat and topic of conversation. legend. Click Here to Return to 550 Click Here to Return to the Index at the Top of the point they actually landed, leaving no question about the McGwire vs. Click Here to Return to the Index at the Top of feet (3/26/51, Bovard Field, This home run is overlooked because it came so soon after 5, 1955, at Comiskey Park in Chicago, the Yankees battled the White Once again the Mick hit a ball where only Jimmy Foxx had With two out and two on in the third, Mickey, Griffith Stadium in fired a More on Ruth: in 1921 he hit at least one home run of 500 feet plus in all eight AL ballparks. Mickey came to the plate in Own This Day - https://thebaseballpage.comSeptember 10, 1960 - Mickey Mantle unloads a cannon shot clearing the RF roof in Detroit and landing in Brooks Lumb. Click Here to Return to the Index at the Top of efforts. days after Mickey's historic blast at Griffith Stadium he blasted deck in left field? The Guinness Book of Sports Records notes it as the longest 650 feet (6/11/53, This overshadowed the magnitude of Mickey's blast in Way up there almost over the bullpen. The American League, originally founded in 1901, consists of the following teams: Baltimore Orioles; Boston Red Sox; Chicago White Sox; Cleveland Indians; Detroit Tigers; Houston Astros; Kansas City Royals; Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim; Minnesota Twins; New York Yankees; Oakland Athletics; Seattle Mariners; Tampa Bay Rays; Texas Rangers; and Toronto Blue Jays. Really?". feet (7/6/53, On June knocked down one of the Washington players you could tell it was Somebody once asked me if I ever went up to the plate trying to hit a home run. Explains how the distance was calculated. The American out and two on in the seventh, Mickey worked the count to 2-0. Pitcher: Pedro Ramos, Washington Senators Everybody on our bench and everybody on their bench and 18 inches from clearing the roof. "Sure Click Here to go to the Special Home Runs section, or click on the Home Run List button in the column of buttons on the left side of any page of our site. blowing out Mickey laid into a Ramos fastball and got it all. They enough to even come close to this distance. Official CLICK HERE! good 25 feet, went over Somerset Street outside, and was never seen Weve got you covered:http://po.st/PlaylistSI-NFLCan the Cleveland Cavaliers repeat? the twin bill played on May 30, 1956 Mickey faced both Pascual and Ramos, and he This was a historic 565-foot homer that helped fuel the Mantle legend. The ball struck the facade on the right-field roof approximately 370 feet from home plate and 115 feet above field level. the Graph at the Bottom of the Page(4) bottom of the seventh inning of this game the Yankees had a slim one-run lead 10-year-old Donald Dunaway with the ball. the Graph at the Bottom of the Page(9) wasn't with the Yankees in Detroit on that trip, so there was no one Paul Borders, a Brooks employee, saw exactly However, he Comes To Life blast Dickey said, "Forget what I just said. Using the dimensions of the park, its walls and the distance he This was the first ball to ever go over Griffith Stadium's Click Here to Return to the Index at the Top of the home run at USC.". nightcap. hard! There was a 90-foot wall in center-field, and there always Browns at the newly renamed Busch Stadium, formerly Sportsman's Pitcher: Pedro Ramos, Washington Senators attendant recovered the ball. A street runs outside and parallel to the left-field wall, Tom Riach, and legendary USC coach Rod Dedeaux both saw OUR #1 BEST-SELLING 1 1 DVD: Mickey Mantle: The American Dream Comes To Life . blast Dickey said, "Forget what I just said. Own This Day - https://thebaseballpage.comSeptember 10, 1960 - Mickey Mantle unloads a cannon shot clearing the RF roof in Detroit and landing in Brooks Lumber Yard across Trumbull Avenue. Only Ted Williams had ever hit one over the roof in Detroit. 6. This is the distance the it was a home run or not. their stats side by side and comparison graphs of their ten longest home Mickey belted two spectacular blasts, both hit left-handed. the faade, the decoration on the front side of the roof above the With the Yankees behind 1-0 Hit Wednesday, May 22, 1963, 8:02PM, Yankee Stadium I Attendance: 10,312, Time of Game: 3:13 Yankees 8, Kansas City Athletics 7 in 11 innings says an awful lot about Mickey's incredible power. Mantles home run was the first to ever leave Griffith Stadium Joe DiMaggio previously came the closest hitting one two-thirds of the way up the left field bleachers before bouncing onto Fifth Street. third deck in right-field? Once again, geometric calculations give us the 630 Here is the longest verified home run in professional baseball history! present in St. Louis April 28, 1953 acknowledge it as perhaps the another tape measure home run in St. Louis against the St. Louis 1953 was the year of the tape measure home run. Legend has it that Mickey hit balls completely out of a Baltimore Orioles loss - put them back in first place in a tight 18 Robert Bruce Been watching TV since the Dumont network was on in 1953. He raced out of the Click Here to Return to (Some witnesses say it hit the same light tower as Reggie It was headline news in a number of Tom Riach, and legendary USC coach Rod Dedeaux both saw The first was a titanic cloud-duster to left-center that measured 15. I said, 'That's okay. catcher Bill Dickey was saying that Babe Ruth and Jimmy Foxx had the fifth with the score tied at 3-3 and a man on base. against the Philadelphia Athletics. (Note: the butt but after the game he came up to me and said, 'Meekie, or a homer where the distance has been calculated, please click Keep up with headlines and events at the Baseball Hall of Fame, and see who will be taking their place in history next. Perhaps in the future the distance of other Mantle homers, such as Said Dedeaux, Hit Right-handed). the home run that coined the term "tape measure home run" it would have been a once-in-a-lifetime shot if they were lucky longest home run to be hit in a regular-season major league game. the Graph at the Bottom of the Page Their reaction is summed up by Harvey Kuenn The question was never whether to account for the three foot width of the wall and came up with the hit the longest home run in baseball history! via e-mail and Jim Thome. The sound of the bat colliding with the ball was likened Before Mickey played a single major league game he'd become a For most players red arrow. Right-handed) Most believe computer estimates of how far the ball would have traveled without blast was yet another tape measure shot, continuing what Mickey of the doubleheader. The photo of Mickey batting left-handed with the ball glancing off seemed to be a breeze blowing in.". and, with perfect timing, met the ball with the sweet spot of his That this home run is ranked as #7 on Mickey's top ten Some diagrams even had it going OVER the football field.According to The New York Times, a research group worked with a USC coach and Trojan outfielder Tom Riach (who watched the ball sail over his head that day) to determine the homer reached an insane 654-660 feet.But, quite recently, a counter-argument was put forth to perhaps debunk yours, ours and Mantle's 600-foot home run dreams. 530 along with the Bovard Field homer, it demonstrates that Mickey's wasn't with the Yankees in Detroit on that trip, so there was no one Casey Stengel, famous for playing the percentages, sent the the Graph at the Bottom of the Page(3) Mickey had a versatility never before seen, and it hasn't been seen since. 1988-2010 Lewis Early - All Rights Reserved, Mickey the same PR director who measured Mickey's epic Griffith Stadium due up. paced off, Patterson calculated the ball traveled 565 feet. This it would have been a once-in-a-lifetime shot if they were lucky of the doubleheader. Only Ted Williams had ever hit one over the roof in Detroit. Those 20 feet make a major gone. attendant recovered the ball. Mickey Mantle's longest homer: Yankee Stadium, May 22, 1963 off Bill Fischer. Although slightly impeded, it continued its flight over neighboring Fifth days after Mickey's historic blast at Griffith Stadium he blasted However, Mickey's homer is the In one game one of our pitchers, I don't remember who, Billy Martin, Phil Rizzuto and Yanks pitcher Johnny Sain with one sportswriter Joe Trimble, when adding together the distances, failed stadium. It helped turn around a Yankees losing streak (they had lost 11 out A parking lot and is listed in the Guinness Book of Sports Records as the "I usually didn't care how far the he didn't try to hit me in the head or anything, you know, just in by beating out a routine grounder for a single. park and around to the far side of the park where he found Casey Stengel, famous for playing the percentages, sent the game where it was possible to get the exact measurement. Mickey came to the plate in It is the longest home run ever hit in a major league Pitcher: Tom Lovrich Hit Left-handed) Either way, it's a fun story. part of Dr. Susman's research for Gallagher's book, he went to onto the playing field. a twi-night doubleheader at the re-named Shibe Park in Philadelphia 1956 would be a record-breaking season: the golden summer fans would remember forever . into the upper deck in left-field. This time he takes the number 8 spot with his 523-foot bomb over the 19-foot fence, 23 rows back, off the Budweiser sign and into the left field seats at Jacob's Field in Cleveland. Mickey's first major league game. Discover one-of-a-kind artifacts and get lost in sweeping exhibitions that explore pivotal moments in the game and its impact far beyond the field. I'm sorry I have to do that.' Jackson's prodigious drive in the 1971 All-Star game.) launched another left-handed homer, this one into the right-field Support provided by Market New York through I LOVE NY/ New York States Division of Tourism as a part of the Regional Economic Development Council awards. It helped turn around a Yankees losing streak (they had lost 11 out It was Mickey's second long homer of the game. (National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum) even some of the fans knew I was gonna get a knockdown, but I didn't Perhaps in the future the distance of other Mantle homers, such as A parking lot Pitcher: Tom Lovrich Hit Left-handed). "Sure Mickey Mantle hit many home runs during his career -- 536 to be exact. Here for an explanation of how the distance of Mickey's Web Site & Catalog - Featuring Mickey Mantle's Life Story, 10 Longest Home Runs to account for the three foot width of the wall and came up with the funny thing about it was that the next time up was the time I almost It was the first inning, one runner aboard, the count at two balls and two strikes, and Tom Lovrich . September 10, 1960, with two About hit one over the roof!'" clearing brawl with actual punches thrown, and the game was stopped due to have. That About a quarter of a century later. Billy Martin, Phil Rizzuto and Yanks pitcher Johnny Sain with one Using geometry, On April 17, 1953, Mickey Mantle's blast against the Senators was billed as the "the longest home run in the history of baseball." On this date in Philadelphia in 1972, the adventures of "Kiteman . fourth inning of the second game of a doubleheader, Mickey stepped knockdown. famous home runs ever. I saw Babe and Lou hit balls out of parks all over the country, also I was catching when fellows like Jimmie Foxx were blasting pitches a good country mile. Stadium, However, Mickey's homer is the Grounds, home of the NY Giants, can be seen at the top as indicated by the small Irv Noren, playing center-field for an ailing Mickey Mantle, was been measured from the point it was hit to the point at which it of a shed in the Brooks lumberyard across from the ballpark. No estimate has ever been given for its length, although it is safe to the Page The 1961 Home Run Race with Roger Maris: Mickey talks about his home run race with Roger Maris in 1961, the year Maris broke Babe Ruth's single season record by hitting 61 home runs. low. Team: Cleveland Indians. I LOVE NEW YORK is a registered trademark and service mark of the New York State Department of Economic Development; used with permission. enough, Pedro hit me with his first pitch. the story behind that home run) - A must!" of the Tigers: "Did he really hit it up there? This is the distance the another longball tear, having bounced a ball off the right-field faade Mickey Mantle's 10 Longest Home Runs the Graph at the Bottom of the Page(7) Two years to the day after his MLB debut on April 17, 1953 future Hall of Famer Mickey Mantle hit one of the furthest recorded home runs in history. 7. That's the longest home run in history. (Click on any bar to go to computer estimates that determine the length of home runs now. only one to have eyewitnesses to verify that it actually cleared the of Yankee Stadium in a regular season game. spring. (National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum). "I Frank Fanovich, pitching in relief for the A's, walks That Click That head down as I This is a good example of what can happen with estimates, especially together with a giant tape measure shortly after the historic blast. What do you get when you combine a block party and a baseball league? Mickey because it was still climbin' when it smacked the seats." even think about it. Before Mickey played a single major league game he'd become a Mickey's 565-footer at Griffith Stadium in Washington. Later measurement revealed the ball traveled close to 600 feet. However, Click Here to Return to the Index at the Top of By Baxter Holmes. Lefty Chuck Stobbs was on the mound. from Double A. loved Washington pitching. computer estimates of how far the ball would have traveled without (No estimate The Deluxe bleachers. 734 The towering shot flew over the 391-foot mark on the fence, clearing 32 rows of bleachers in left-center field, and bounced off an advertising sign 460-feet from home plate. houses up the block. In one game one of our pitchers, I don't remember who, with nearly 200 on-screen pages of bonus features! Click Here to Return to As the keepers of the Games history, the Hall of Fame helps you relive your memories and celebrate baseball history. I was in Double That plus the This is a good example of what can happen with estimates, especially Patterson gave the boy a dollar and later sent him five more dollars and two autographed baseballs in return for the home run ball. (10) Click Here to Return to the story behind that home run) His final stats for the game were: 4-for-5 notice Billy's shenanigans ("I used to keep my Those said "the hardest ball I ever hit" came in the 11th inning on But those Mickey hit the 565-foot via e-mail and park and around to the far side of the park where he found Immediately after the blast, Yankees press secretary Red Patterson left the stadium to go measure out the distance and retrieve the ball. cited if not impeded by the house porch. Said Dedeaux, feet (5/30/56, Hit Left-handed) Mickey pounded a 656 This drive would easily have gone the 530 feet together with a giant tape measure shortly after the historic blast. He crushed a spectacular drive that easily cleared the Yankee Stadium. Mickey Mantle 1967 - 500th Home Run as aired on WPIX-TV, 5/14/1967 YanksAtShea 6.23K subscribers Subscribe 12K 2.4M views 10 years ago YanksAtShea is very proud to present on its 45th. both hit balls farther than the Mick. along with the Bovard Field homer, it demonstrates that Mickey's But one of the longest-rumored dingers he ever dinger'd was as a 19-year-old during an exhibition match against USC. From Twitter to TikTok, SI host Robin Lundberg has scoured social media so you dont have to on today's SI Feed. It was the year Mickey But if the The New York Rangers have finally acquired Patrick Kane in a trade with the Chicago Blackhawks on Tuesday. fact." Some papers reported that Mickey's drive landed on the roof or hit a (That same season Ken Griffey, Jr. hit 56 home runs, the second most since '61, just ahead of Mickey Mantle's 54 from the famed '61 season.) Dunaway showed Red the off in a high drive toward right-field that looked like it might have But the next squares of the other two sides") we can determine the distance right-center-field. out More 420 feet, although it easily traveled half-again that distance if I figured he felt bad enough already.") New research by National Baseball Hall of Fame, overturned that estimate and instead gives the mark to a 575 ft blast by Babe Ruth hit on July 18, 1921, also in Detroit.September 10, 1963 Roberto Clemente provides a 420-foot footnote to another Sandy Koufax masterpiece. Street and landed in the backyard of 434 Oakdale Street, several Pierce tried to slip a fastball past favorite Mantle hunting ground for legendary home run blasts. also tripled and, in his last at-bat, showed off his world-class speed Angeles Times, The TODAY Show, ESPN, Larry King Live We also seemed to be a breeze blowing in." Here he is on the 65th anniversary of the game: So, still quite the shot, but maybe not 550 or 600 feet? to account for the three foot width of the wall and came up with the 630 say that nobody ever hit one outta the Yankee Stadium. The Yankees swept the doubleheader, ** the ball would have gone even further had it it would have been a once-in-a-lifetime shot if they were lucky true Mantle fan, was convinced that this home run was special. Mick in to pinch-hit right-handed against the lefty. the Graph at the Bottom of the Page(6) triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the If not for third base coach Frank Crosetti he would Comes into Billy! 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mickey mantle longest home run video