my dermatologist told me not to use moisturizer

My dermat suggested oryza moisturiser ( its 1000 for 50 gms which is expensive ) and the photostable spf 55. My dermatologist told me Sente Bio Complete is made for sensitive skin and would not cause those problems. I guess at the end of the day it wont kill me to try out this way for a while and see how my skin reacts. My skin is very reactive and this moisturizer calms my skin without causing breakouts. Share your questions, frustrations and triumphs! This Dermatologist Says Moisturizer Is Bad For You, Glossiers Best Product Just Got Even Better, This Face Mask Gave My Dry Skin An Instant Glow-Up, 4 Cult Beauty Products French Women Swear By For Amazing Skin, The 24 Best Sunscreens For Acne-Prone Skin, Ive Tried All The Rhode Skin Products & This Is My Honest Opinion, 20 Self Tanners With Seriously Glowing Reviews, I Tried benefits 6 New Pore Care Products Heres Whats Worth It, Score 20% Off Strip Makeup With Our R29-Exclusive Promo Code, These Acne Patches Showed My Cystic Body Breakout The Door, This Under-$16 Frozen Moisturizer Is Like A Slushie For Your Face, The TikTok-Famous British Skin-Care Brand You Need To Know, I Stopped Waking Up With Dry Skin After Using This Beauty Pie Moisturizer. This story was originally published on January 9, 2017. She wrote me prescriptions for two topicals: a retinoid and a compounded cream for my melasma (a condition that causes dark patches on my face). If youre experiencing a medical issue, please contact a healthcare professional or dial 911 immediately. My skin is acne prone and very sensitive to many products, but I have never had a reaction to any product she uses. When you're using a harsh chemical (whether a topical or oral drug) to deliberately dry out your skin as part of the treatment, it's important to keep your skin as in balance as possible while the treatment does its work. The best moisturizer is cetaphil, if you can get it where you live, it's amazing, and every derm I've met recommends it. I don't think a light face moisturizer is necessarily a bad thing but from personal experience I have two pieces of advice. i've actually read a similar thing which is why i stopped moisturizing. People get the idea of protecting skin from UV exposure, but pollution is actually skins biggest ager because it oxidizes, so its best to use a product with a physical aspect, like titanium dioxide or zinc, which provides protection from UV rays and pollution. Over time this routine felt too drying (because just rose water mist and hemp oil has no emulsifier), but it made a lasting change, making me think that for me personally a reason why my skin was that bad was probably a damaged skin barrier (maybe from products or ingredients I've used before? Tretinoin is Schedule H drug in India and must be used with doctor's prescription only. $15. It's only in the day, when I'm waking up for work or something, where I feel the need to moisturise, but obviously, I was told not to. It offers 30 spf, does not clog pores and drys skin out. But if you think I'm giving up my eyebrow exfoliator, think again. Hi, there! Very rashy and all over my face, and very bad blackheads on my nose. , I see, thank you for letting me know. This means that the cells become inactive and stop the moisture production process, which leads to dry skin. The best wrinkle cream is L'Oral Age Perfect Cell Renewal Rosy Tone Moisturizer, which Jane Fonda and Helen Mirren love. Francis is a 19-year-old with oily skin who wants his skincare routine to treat breakouts and acne scars. But in the interest of potentially saving a few bucks not buying. I went my whole accutane course without moisturiser. Not gonna lie, I am a bit terrified since my skin always feels dry after the HA and the moisturizer has made it feel soft. !dermatologistsbefore the 5th one figured out what was wrong with me. All your skin really needs is cleansing, stimulation, and protection. Even season changes dont count. $13.91 at Amazon $14.29+ at Target $16.99+ at Ulta 7 Amazon A hydrating healing ointment Have you studied dermatology or is all this just information you found on the internet and lifestyle things you've picked up on? The good ones will give you exact instructions on using what they prescribe, not just send you home with a script and leave it to you to figure it out. I was just in shock because I can't imagine not being on SPF with Accutane. By contrast, face-to-face time with a dermatologist is usually anywhere from 10-20 minutes. This is absolutely nonsense., So what to do if youre hooked on moisturizer? Lactating/ breastfeeding women will have to consult their doctors. My dermatologist told me to use hyaluronic acid on my skin to help even out mild sun damage on my skin. Why would anyone do differently? Some doctors recommend bath oils. Less is more! Privacy Policy. Accutane thins and damages your skin. Hes a good doctor and Im sure its ok for my case specifically. Itchy and scratchy: Two new treatments may offer hope for eczema sufferers, dermatologist says moisturizer isn't necessary, dermatologist says no one needs moisturizer, Dr. Obagi says you don't need moisturizer. Obviously I don't know your individual skin and I also don't know how closely your derm looked at yours (so the rec might be absolutely right for you) or if they were stating it more as a general thing for every acne patient (which I don't agree with). Again, a pea sized amount or around that size should be enough for your entire face. "When you use moisturizer every. The treatment dried me out (he didn't mention anything about moisturizing, he was not for or against, this topic just never came up) and a few months later I quit because the treatment became unbearable and made my skin look terrible. Sameee right now I feel like a vampire, if a single ray of sun touches my body Id screech. Efudex, also known as Efudix, is one of several topical medications used by skin cancer patients. If you're using a noncomedogenic moisturizer, then your moisturizer shouldn't break you out. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. But I do agree with you that it's best to use as little product as you can get away with in order to stay clear. Augustinus Bader The Light Cream. He said dryness is a symptom of my medication gel and that it is a good sign, because it is drying up my pores and means my skin is not oily. My dermatologist prescribed me a Clindamycin and Benzol Peroxide Mix (1% * 5%) for my hormonal acne. Others might need more mosturiser, because their oily skin is their body's attempt to counteract aggressive tensides that strip away natural oils and the ensuing dryness might actually contribute to greater cornification. But you can use aquaphor as well. Always wash your face, use a gentle exfoliating agent to enhance elimination, and some kind of active vitamin A to stimulate regeneration, and if you still feel dry, then you can apply a special moisturizer, he explains. I'm just going to come out and say it: For all the hype, I've never really loved Augustinus Bader's creams. Dr. Brian Hibler, a dermatologist at the Schweiger Dermatology Group in NYC, volunteered to review Francis' skincare routine for Insider's Skin Clinic series. I said you were right, but told you why I don't apply sun screen. The key is just to not get into a daily habit and only use it when needed. Thank you so much, this just made me feel a lot calmer! It makes sense when I remember the reverse wisdom that was commonly cited in my teen years: When you overdry your skin with too many zit-zappers, your skin responds by producing more oil to compensate. Thank you for taking my comment the way I wanted you to. So I'm confused as to what's up with the differing advice. "You'll notice your skin feeling dry, tight, and ashy, because you're rapidly losing water," says Gohara. SkinCeuticals Triple Lipid Restore 2:4:2 $128.00. I haven't been to a derm since high school. Why not just try a noncomedogenic moisturizer and see if it helps. Just my 2 cents, but I honestly think every skin - even every acne/acne prone skin - works a little differently in that regard. It seemed to irritate me and make me face red. My new dermatologist told me Accutane was the acne treatment of last resort and we had other things to try first. Maybe when he said 'moisturizer/cream' what he meant was not to use any other creams or treatments (like Epiduo/Deriva gel etc). If you apply a lot of moisture, skin will become sensitive, dry, dull, and interfere with natural hydration., WATCH BELOW:Dry skin: Heres the difference between lotions, creams and ointments. Is Moisturiser Bad for Your Skin? Content titles and body; Content titles only Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. i used to shampoo every day and then went a day without and my hair would get so greasy. My boyfriend and some friends who have never touched a single skin product in their lives have perfect skin. It certainly does not clog pores. Thats quite strange. He says that dead skin cells "stick" back onto your complexion when you apply a moisturiser, which prevents them from exfoliating and shedding like they would naturally. Look it up. Should I carry on doing this and trust in somebody who has spent years of his life studying acne and its effects and whohas also experienced worse acne than myself, or should I go back to moisturising? Whole you're at it, can you guys recommend me some moisturizer and Sunscreen specifically for isotret low dosage? I do have to agree with the OP that a pea-size amount isn't very much to work with and feel like you covered all the affected areas, which for me was all over. According to many reports eye cream, makeup, or moisturizer doesn't cause milia but honestly, I've used richer eye creams that apparently were the culprit behind my milia issues. And I always ask if they feel itchy. I don't use a cleanser, I just lather "simple" soap (because he told me to avoid main brand products and just go for a simple soap with not many ingredients in), so what is more simple than "simple" soap - I also barely wash my face, I literally do the cleansing method with it and I do it even less with that and even less contact than that. before someone told me my face was really oily like an oil slick this was back when i was using my retin a and moisturizer. He told me about the side effects, but said, unless I go to a sunnier climate - I shouldn't bother putting anything on my face as it would only exacerbate things. As for my skin, I was told that it looked better. I never offended anybody or claimed that I wasn't here for people's opinions. Dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi says that when cells recognize that an outside source has already hydrated the skin, there's no need for natural hydration to take place. I use very simple things on my skin.I haven't got time.I would always get facials and then come home laden with product, and pay a lot of money and never use it.Anyway, one day a dermatologist told me to use Cetaphil to clean my face and as a moisturizer, and that's what I day a dermatologist told me to use $13. But I do remember my doubts during first weeks of following it. Which is one reason I'd never use a facial . I have rosacea and havent had a flare since using ZO (Im 47 and was diagnosed with rosacea in my mid 20s). I understand that this is for my own good and for a good reason & I will listen to him, but I just need to share this because its the most bizarre thing Ive heard all day , oh no no no, what a bizzare thing! I'm leaning towards the epaderm sense it's more in there. The Prescription: * Neutrogena Oil-Free salicylic acid face wash in the morning. Waldorf recommended adding a retinoid and finding a new sunscreen. I went to a dermatologist today (the highest rated one I could find at a reputable clinic), and he gave me a pretty standard run-down of my acne issues and what to do. Especially when, to Dr. Days point, I live in New York, one of the most stressful, polluted cities in the world. The sunscreen she suggested is good but smells awful. "After Baume is perfect. i was pretty much surprised being a sunscreen fan for a long time. And what I have learned is that everyone's skin is different and reacts differently to treatment. Emily Blunt's Best Braless Red Carpet Looks Over the Years: Photos. Dr Rachael Eckel and Professor Peter Elias come to mind. Photo: Laura Doss/Corbis. If not, you are no worse for trying. Discuss these recommendations further with your physician. But even if you have dry, flaky skin, Skotnicki says moisturizer isnt necessary unless its causing discomfort. I would also especially avoid over washing the most sensitive areas of your face which are usually around your eyes, nose and mouth. Try no moisturizer for a month, then use one every day for a month, or something like that. For example, if an IPL is combined with a resurfacing laser treatment a thicker petroleum is often recommended for a couple of days before converting over to moisturizer. Do NOT ask us to diagnose your skin condition. In fact, it is not out of the ordinary I encourage my patients to add a Kojic Acid or Hydroquinone to their daily regimen for maintenance and optimal results. It sounds very weird to me, but maybe theres a good reason, He told me its potentially clogging for my case and that I should not use sunscreen or moisturizer because my skin is super oily and congested and those products will top up everything. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Obagi says you should stop using it cold turkey even in the winter and wait three to six weeks. Some doctors have specific protocols after laser treatments. Your skin will likely feel dry at first, but this doesnt last long. "My late mother . Dr Rachael Eckel and Professor Peter Elias come to mind. It may be due to the settingsused on the last treatment, which are Sun spots treated with IPL can take 1-2 weeks to resolve. I can never find a perfect moisturiser and they all tend to have something that bothers me. However, now that I've had two kids, I've had to majorly change my skincare routine to accommodate for my needs during pregnancy and while nursing. This milky cleanser also contains hyaluronic acid and three essential ceramides. Other than that she said her recommended routine was simple: 1. cleanser 2. moisturizer 3. vitamin C serum and 4. a good sunscreen. i've cut out shampoo for months and although it was gross at first my hair was all smelly/greasy (not a big deal for me i'm a guy) finallyit is no longer gets as oily lesson learned definitely be wary of all the chemicals you put on your body, but yeah i think your dermatologist is smart, especially if he is recommending that you actually cut back on the products you use for your face, not many do that, they just want to sell, sell, sell. I also keep reading that it takes people 2-3 weeks to clear the coffee grounds when using moisturizer. All rights reserved. She however did not tell me to use a q-tip to apply only to red area. Why do dermatologists say not . Dr. Grant Stevens. I also can't say my skin is great, because I still get pimples, at the moment quite a few too. You'll find a reasonably priced, seemingly perfect moisturiser, then you'll look in its ingredients and somewhere, there's at least one ingredient that the majority of the internet says is highly comedogenic, then you're back to phase one. Glad it worked out for you aswell. Actually, at some point of my life (mid 20s, had some health issues, a lot of medications, including hormone therapy. "It's not bloody or guts-y, but it's still an organ, and organs need water." hi, my derm also told me the same, don't use any moisturiser/creams, only used it when the skin is dry because if not it will just cause break outs.for sunblock i used the gel type not the creammake ups only powder type (which cannot conceal the dark hyperpigmentation), (moisturizers can prevent/help treat scarring in acne patients), (Interesting to note: "The reparative properties of the skin care regimen offset the ongoing effects of concurrently used topical and/or oral acne therapies, which are known to induce impairment of the epidermal permeability barrier"), (assesses the efficacy of various moisturizers for acne-prone skin). What is this doctors name? ; My face wash . $65 at SkinBetter. Gradually, over the next week to 2 weeks, the pigment gradually dissipates. There seems to be a common misconception that oils will leave you feeling like you just ran a marathon in 90-degree weather. All good suggestions for a prophylactic approach to avoiding dry skin! Shop This. Quispe Lpez. It litterally stops your sebum glands from producing oil. Some people might do a lot better without moisturiser or only a very light fluid. Apparently, I am doing too much. Derms are skincare experts with many years of medical school on their side. Thanks for your feedback. People have to learn to read their skin and give it what it needs. Both work well and as far as it doesnt break me out etc my doctor said its okay to use. If you're already a fan of The Ordinary, you'll know that this isn't the brand's first Natural . My dermatologist told me to wash face with Brevoxyl (contains BP), apply Klaron in the morning, apply Differin every other night, and DO NOT USE MOISTURIZER! Skin care is a pretty big deal, and we love subs like /r/SkinCareAddiction, however we felt there needed to be a sub that deals specifically with skin that's over 30. Dry skin: Heres the difference between lotions, creams and ointments, Click to share quote on Twitter: "Almost zero per cent of my patients actually require a moisturizer. in only one day. I read that you should use moisturizer after IPL, but when I had it done, my doctor told me NOT to use any to help speed up the "clearing" of the coffee grounds. Our eyelids need moisturizer & sunscreen (when outside for 15+ mins). I've found two so far which look pretty decent:,, Not sure if you're invested in this topic enough to care to have a look at those or carry on commenting.. but I've sent it anyway haha, Also, a lot of moisturisers seem to have an absurd amount of oddly named chemicals, which don't seem to convince me much either, regardless of its comedogenicity scaling. The information on RealSelf is intended for educational purposes only. If youre concerned then go to a different dermatologist for a second opinion. Lips are the ones that become the most dry and even simple things like eating or yawning will hurt if you're not slathering lip mask on the lips and esssspecially the corners. It really depends on the context of the advice. Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria that causes breakouts. The daytime moisturizing cream from the Hydra-Essentiel [HA] range is available at a price of 47.50 euros on the official Clarins website. The main thing is, you should moisturise. Good luck! It may be a good idea (if you're questioning your Derm's advice) to experiment and see what your skin likes better. As a 53 yo woman whose had several dermatologists (current derm in her early 30s) in my life; please find a new dermatologist. My single reply to you has nothing to do with my reply to "delovely". Is why I do n't think a light face moisturizer is necessarily a bad but. Known as Efudix, is one reason I & # x27 ; d never use a q-tip to only... 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my dermatologist told me not to use moisturizer