chrism oil in the brain

One Simple Exercise to Increase Your Intuition, Majority of Fatal Covid Vaccines Sent to Red States [Video], Sarah Westalls Journey: An inside Look at being Unpersoned in America, Fed Fears Complete Economic Collapse [Video], Neocons Need War Because Monetary System Collapsing [Video], Data Proves Big Pharma Knew the Truth About COVID Jabs. We are supposed to return some of that energy up. This precious fluid, which flows down from the Claustrum, separates and a part is going to the Pineal gland and part to the Pituitary body, and these, being special laboratories of the head, differentiate the fluid from the Claustrum. The ancient Christian Apostolic Tradition (c. 200 A.D.) described a "ceremony taking place during the Easter Vigil at which two holy oils were blessed and one was consecrated. true story. The fluid, oil, or marrow which flows down the spinal cord, comes from the upper brain, the Creator or Father, the "Most High," and is known in physiology as ovum, or generative seed that life essence which creates the human form of corruptible flesh. This is the story of the Christ within, within all of us. The pituitary gland is connected to the Ida nerve. Death occurs when the oil dries up. Cons. I didnt even know what it was or how. When the new blood is produced, the old toxic blood is disposed of by the bodys own methods. Make sure you are alkiline. Do not focus on a step by step ritual. The liturgy acknowledges the inward transformation by the Holy Spirit that is signified by anointing with chrism. Public Health worldwide militarized creating Kill zones for global depopulation & Israeli forces poisoned Palestinian wells during Israels founding war and after. This is the cerebrum with its two hemispheres that cover over the cerebellum and the inner brain. Raising the Chrism | The Sacred Secret Of The Christ Within by Santos Bonacci. It is important to abstain from the release of any precious fluids when the time comes for the seed to be implanted in your sacral plexus. 11. The U.S. Government Created the Vaccine, Did It Also Create the Virus? A cross with chrism oil is traced on the crown of the child's head. I heard that one should be aware of when the moon comes into your zodiac date once per month or something of that nature. Once blessed in this way, the chrism and the other oils are no longer ordinary ointments. Blessings, Gillian. 3. Your brain changes your thoughts and your thoughts change your brain. No. I still cannot determine for how long to abstain from sex and booze arond those dates but may watch the video again for clues. Does the Catholic Church really believe women are people? (I) Origin.In its primitive meaning the word chrism, like the Greek chrisma, was used to designate any and every substance that served the purpose of smearing or anointing, such as the various kinds of oils, unguents, and pigments. Oil was also poured on the head of guests as a sign of hospitality. Gueranger, Prosper, The Liturgical Year, vol. If either of the last two conditions is wanting the sacrament will be doubtfully valid. The second element that enters into the constitution of genuine chrism is balsam. From the cerebrum/claustrum, it is then differentiated in the pineal gland andpituitary gland. "[10] During the mass, all present are called to renew their baptismal promises; priests and deacons (the ordained) are further called to reaffirm their ministry by renewing the promises made at their ordination. This oil is linked with the sanctification of individuals. Stay in a calm environment. If you are prior military lazarus naturals gives 40% off site wide. Joy. [13] Whenever the holy oils are used, the ministry of the bishop who blessed and consecrated them is symbolically present. Each year we witness the use of the holy chrism when young people are confirmed, and at the Easter Vigil when adults are confirmed after baptism. The oil is secreted by the cerebrum from the holy claustrum or santa claustrum. I digress, but, regardless of what you believe to be undeniably true, this is pretty interesting to think about, and the ultimate gift if you can assimilate. Such being the prevailing usage of the Old Testament in adopting olive-oil for religious ceremonies, it is no cause for wonder that it also came to receive under the New Dispensation a certain religious recognition and approval. Oil also gives strength and suppleness to the limbs, while balsam preserves from corruption. In one week the moon will be in my star sign (scorpio), I plan to only eat fruit a few days prior and fast during. (Currently we do not use targeting or targeting cookies. The Holy Oils are: The Oil of the Catechumens and Oil of Chrism are used on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil for the baptism and confirmation of adults or children over the age of 10 who wish to fully enter the Church. Love will lead you. Catechism of the Council of Trent, Pt. I wonder if it could manifest outwardly into someones hair, making it very oily. I do not have contact with either the author or Santos. One tiny example of turning lead into gold..omg. The incarnation light (the archetypes of light created within and confined to this experience) is not the same as organic light. Please dont tell me this is how you define alchemy! Yeah, I have physically demanding job, Id like to know the food restrictions. Assuming my first Part is posted , just a follow up to close my story. A year after that even physical healing i asked for were granted. If we waste it we have to wait another month. This seems accurate as when compared with the story of Santa coming down the chimney once a year. Chreme, where many references are given to patristic passages in which the word occurs). women lose it by not being able to control emotions. Rather than focus on the timing of events, instead examine the decision making where one must abstain from sin in order to receive this gift. Anointing with chrism oil signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit. But owing to the uncertainty mere olive-oil alone would be doubtful matter and could not, therefore, be employed apart from very grave necessity. Frassen, xi, 440). Anointing with chrism oil signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is safe to say that the video embedded on this post is worth a watch. So for a day before until two days after I guess I will follow the basic guidelines and see what happens. Now the scientism and new age community has gleefully taken over that role. Other than that i would go with charlottes web CBD oil for stress/anxiety/SLEEP. For we are the good odor of Christ unto God (II Cor., ii, 15). My birthday is 4/3/75. And as it is with the child formed on the generative plane, so it is with the spiritual child born in the solar-plexus the Bethlehem. avoid processed foods at all costs and everything listed above, I usually cut the tobacco, sex, and all the finer things in life 3 or so days before the start of my 2. The Pineal Gland is the Pinnacle of the Temple. The modus operandi by which the oil of the spinal cord reaches the Pineal Gland is described in what follows. We should advance kids even faster! Every twenty-nine and one-half days, when the moon is in the sign of the zodiac that the sun was in at the birth of the native, there is a seed, or Psycho Physical germ born in the, or out of, the Solar Plexus (the Manger) and this seed is taken up by the nerves or branches of the Pneumo gastric nerve, and becomes the Fruit of the Tree of Life, or the Tree of good and evil viz. To read the full text God-Man: The Word Made Flesh click here. Sacred Secretion. Then he prays that God will instill them with wisdom for discernment and with the strength necessary to avoid evil during their inquiry into the Catholic faith and their preparation for a life with Christ. The Chrism Mass is a religious service held in Roman Catholicism, Lutheranism, and Anglicanism. The knowledge locked in our brain comes out. This oil is used in the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and holy orders, since they impart an indelible . Its really simple. Im unsure exactly what time to say it starts but I seem to feel immense pressure/pain in my lower back(have no idea if this is normal) this is when it begins for me and after a while pain/pressure turns to a pleasant tingling and I seem to feel it slowly rise up my spine this is when I start meditations with my favorite solfeggio/healing frequencies. ?? The bishop traces the Sign of the Cross with chrism oil on the forehead of the one being confirmed and says, [Name], be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.. Anyone know if this is still possible for those who have had a vasectomy or their ovaries removed? Mindfulness. This anointing is to help the child ward off evil, avoid temptation and possess the faith necessary to carry the cross of Christ throughout life. It is not clear what the origin is of the name "Christ Seed." It does not have a close connection with Christianity in its modern form, nor is it related to seeds. Hi Christopher, this article was posted on December 16, 2016 6+ years ago. Prophets were anointed with olive oil, and they in turn anointed kings. To find out when the Moon is in your sun sign click here For the most part we are all stuck in the lower mind. Some of our ancient ancestors used this science to live for hundreds and even thousands of years. Santos Bonacci has additional related videos about this sacred secret. The more emotional balance the less blood loss. Eugene IV, in his famous Instruction for the Armenians (Bull Exultate Deo, apud Denzinger, Enchiridion, p. 160), asserts that chrism is the matter of the Sacrament of Confirmation, and, indeed, this opinion is so certain that it may not be denied without incurring some note of theological censure. This oily substance is secreted in the Claustrum of your brain and joins the Cerebro spinal fluid. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This rite most often takes place during Mass, prior to holy Communion. The no sex during those 3 days seems straightforward, but what does overeating entail? Its a journey only each of us can take and journey alone on the path of liberation. Go within and you will get the answer. This is the story of Jesus and his 12 apostles. All I could see was darkness. Everything stems from transmuting sexual energy as apposed to wasting it and losing the oil. Moon enters Gemini Just consciousness not even trying to. Burning chrism returns the oil to God and celebrates the renewal of our faith and the new oils that are soon to be consecrated for the coming year. Your Body Is The Holy Land: Santos Bonacci: Part 1 In its primitive meaning the word chrism, like the Greek chrisma, was used to designate any and every substance that served the purpose of smearing or anointing, such as the various kinds of oils, unguents, and pigments. How long does it take to travel back up? Rhonda Miska is a preacher, writer, spiritual director, and lay ecclesial minister currently based in Minneapolis. The amount of blood hangs together with your feeling. Doreen Ann Agostino According to Santos Bonacci and ancient Hermetic wisdom, our bodies are alchemical instruments. What happens if you lose the organic lighted guidance? The ritual for creating and consecrating the holy chrism is different from the others. Alchemy teaches the mind to synthesize the organic manner of the lighted mind. No. During the monthly cycle, when lunar energy empowers the starsign energy that clothed you at birth, the brain releases a brew of chemicals. In the ordination rite of a priest, the bishop anoints with chrism the palms of the new priest. Ill report my results back here if there are any. on. The fluid, oil, or marrow which flows down the spinal cord, comes from the upper brain, the Creator or Father, the Most High, and is known in physiology as ovum, or generative seed that life essence which creates the human form of corruptible flesh. An inner calm and clarity started to form in me. Yes, there is much that needs to take place within us all; but until that translates to actual, physical manifestation, it is virtually useless. According to said source, there is a sacred secret kept from the masses. This yellow and white material, which is the milk and honey referred to in the Bible, the children of Israel having been given the promise of a return to this land flowing with milk and honey, at last reaches the solar plexus via semi-lunar ganglia (see chart), the Bethlehem of the physical body. The Scriptures, or allegories and parables of the Bible, are the only writings that give us information as to what the Word of God is. The OIL is created in the gray matter of the brain and flows down the spine to become the sexual fluid, your job is to return 10 percent back to the head, that's the prodigal son returning back home. Perrone, Prael. For adults, this pre-baptismal anointing often takes place during a special initiation ceremony when the person begins to prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism. However, for practical reasons, many dioceses celebrate this mass on another day during Holy Week. The priest or deacon anoints the catechumens. The pineal gland releases a masculine electrical portion which is known as honey, and the pituitary gland releases the feminine magnetic portion, milk. The sacred heavens are also in the holy portions of our brains. Also sex after the 2 and half seems to be ok as well as a week or two in advance doesnt seem to cause much of an issue. In the baptismal rite the oil is used with the words "as Christ was anointed priest, prophet, and king, so may you live always as a member of his Body, sharing . The psychedelic concoction travels down the spine's 33 vertebrate before rising up again. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); "Whatever The Question, Love Is The Answer". That chrism may serve as valid matter for the Sacrament of Confirmation it must consist of pure oil of olives, and it must be blessed by a bishop, or at least by a priest delegated by the Holy See. try to live in Gods Grace. This is an aromatic, resinous substance that is extracted from the wood of certain trees or plants, especially those belonging to the terebinthine group or family. Once this happens, you wont desire to live the same way as you once did. One year later all my requests had come true, even the outrageous and impossible,, In the fifth century, the ceremony of the oils was transferred from the Easter Vigil to Maundy Thursday. [1][2], The Chrism Mass is one of the most solemn and important liturgies of the Christian liturgical calendar. in Rom. There are truths known and hidden that are so sacred and I feel like we should be learning this kind of stuff in school from early age. Of course, if you believe we evolved from biological sludge 3 billion years ago, this doesnt make any sense. The sun passes through 12 signs of the zodiac throughout the year. The Cerebrospinal Fluid and the Appearance of I Am Mauro Zappaterra Was conscious there is no need to limit my request since its Jesus I am dealing with. This is great gift you can give God. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm. I did three days of this with the intention of making the nine days to make a total of 9000 Hail Marys. It seems agreed that the pope may delegate a priest for this purpose, but it is not so clear that bishops can bestow the same delegated authority ex jure ordinario. [12] During the part of the Chrism Mass called the Rite of Reception of the Oils, representatives from every diocesan/archdiocesan parish receive the three oils. (Cf. Now, however, according to existing legislation, the addition of balsam is requisite for lawful chrism, but whether it is necessary for the validity of the sacrament, assuming that chrism is the matter of confirmation, this is a matter about which theologians do not agree. Bellarmine, De Conf., ix.) wen eyes turn red. In a formal procession, olive oil is brought forward in special urns; the oil of the sick is presented first, next the oil of the catechumens, and finally oil for the holy chrism. There were days. That secret is the esoteric science of physiological regeneration. On Maundy Thursday, Lutherans celebrate the Chrism Mass, which is presided over by a bishop. Perrone, Pril. I am the bread of life, said the allegorical Jesus. The church whitewashed them. No. 6 Passiontide and Holy Week: (Loreto Publications: 2000), p.358, see New Liturgical Movement: Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 8 - The Hours of the Celebration of the Holy Week Liturgies, "Chrism Mass 2017", The Episcopal Diocese of Tennessee, "Chrism Mass 2017", St. James Cathedral, Seattle, April 6, 2017, Jalbert, Jason. After Secretion,, I had asked Jesus in 2014 for the following : Following an infants baptism with water and before he receives the white garment, the cross with chrism oil is traced on the crown of the childs head, marking him as a Christian. 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The most ancient list of materials and the aforementioned information "concerning the materials of the myrrh," which are still used today, date from the eighth century C.E. like brain is ejaculating fluid. [emailprotected], THE HONEY MOON IS THE ANNUAL MOON THAT THE HIGHLY INTELLIGENT GRECO ROMAN EGYPTIAN OF OUR DIVINITY AND COMMAND OF ELEMEMTAL FORCES THAT YAHUAH JOSHUA NOW JESUS WAS CONCEIVED ON THIS LUNAR SOLAR CHAPERONED CONCEPTION GIVING HIM THE ALCJHEMICAL BIRTHRITE TO HEAL FEED BRING THE DEAD BACK TO LIFE THE DARK AGES AND INQUISITION THE PISCEAN DEEP DARK AGE OF MAN DROWNING HIS DIVINITY BY THE UNHOLY ROMAN CATHOLIC PAGAN CHURCH TAKING THE INNER MYSTERIES OF NATURE INTO TRIBAL FAMILIAL BLOODLINES THE DAVIDIC BLOODLINE AND THE 13 BLOODLINES THAT STIL RUYE TODAY THE MEDICI STEALING SHAMANIC HEALING MYSTERIES THE ROTHCHILDS TAKING TH EPHARISACI DOUBLE ENTRY BANKING USER SYSTEM THE ORSINI IN THE POLITICAL REALM AND THE OTHE ROCKEFELLOR INFORMATION MEDIA REALM THESE FAMILIES TOOK THE GNOSIS UNDERGROUND AS ALEXANDRIAN PHARONIC ATLANTEAN PYTHAGOREAN TOTH MYSTERIES WENT UNDERGROUND .WHAT A MAGICAL DIVINE TIME TOBE ALIVE SO NET 2000 YRS WILL BE ENLIGHTENING AQQUARIUS WATER BEARER PO EYES URING OUT OUR WATER WHICH CONTAINS MEMORY AND THE GREAT AWAKENING THE INTERNATIONAL INTEL 5 EYES TRY TO CENSOR ONLINE CONSPIRACY TRUTHS ON PLANET HEART HERMETIC REINCARNATION PRISON PLANET MIND MOON MERCUURIEL SATURN TH REE RINGS THAT RULE US ALL FATHER TIME OFTHE INER SEVENFOLD ELOHIM PLANETIS AND SEVENFOLD7 GALAXY 7 COLOURS 7 TONES 7 PLANETS 7 METALS 7 SEAS 7 CHALKRAS 7 HOLES IN YOUR HEAD .LOL. 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